Now is the time to visualize the ‘Higher Path’ beyond chaos and to transform our thoughts and hearts with a stronger prayer for World Peace, and not World Death, using the powers of the Holy Spirit.
Let the intentions and extensions of our powerful prayers turn areas of conflict into areas of Peace, Love and Joy through the invocation of:
Agape Theou, Agape Christou (Love of God, Love of Christ)
Let us use the Names of God and ‘renounce weapons of destruction’ as even the thought of them does not recognize God’s Love for All peoples and the Love we need to have for our Fellow Persons. In our visualizations let us see a gigantic Heart of Love around this blue-green planet.
As we say:
Ahavah Gaia (Love of the Mother of All Life)
As instruments of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh), let us change our thoughts especially in the next 5 days as we move through the 9th of Av, but also from this moment on let us be moved beyond our own apathy to a state of active
Prayer for a Life of Peace for All!
Indeed, let us visualize the angelic and the ultra-terrestrial cosmic cultures of Life interacting with the humanity of this world, right now.
O Divine Source of all sources, let us also pray: May ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.’
Amen, Amen, Amen
and Amen.
Drs. J.J, and Desiree Hurtak