What will you find in your own silence
Once you have dared to slip away from all the sounds –
Once you have found the courage to be still,
and simply listen to the silences within.
Will you find old memories – rising again where emotions
have been sleeping for so many years?
Will you revisit them now with newer strength
to understand their deeper purpose in your life?
In that stillness – – which is womb for everything which lies beyond,
Can you find richer levels of your own peace,
greater knowledge of your own life – –
and newer meaning for the paths which you have chosen,
As well as reasons for denying paths you once chose not to take?
In those most precious and most potent silences,
Would you allow your breathing to hold resonance
for the God Soul which stirs so beautifully within you?
And can you find, within those silences – quiet whispers which reveal
who you really are, and what you have always been?
Will those most sacred of all silences,
On some rare and delicate day
Real the Truth of Your only true Identity –
in the joy of discovering your only identity –
as Divinity’s creation of Itself,
made manifest in you, and what you have always been!
In the Truth of what – – in our essence – – we really are,
We are nothing less than God Soul Itself.
Therein lies the only peace we need.
Barbara Mayer