December 2024 I and You
I AM IN YOU AND YOU ARE IN ME Dear Friend, If you think you are your body and that it is exclusively you, think again. Researchers have now found that within us, we contain cell “groups” inherited from our ancestors and current parents. At the Leiden University Medical Center, small populations of Y…
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September 2024 Cosmic Symphony
We are each a note in a Cosmic Symphony Dear Friend, Music exists as part of the soul of every known culture. It is diverse and distinctive to each of the societies from which the variety of its expressions are spawned. The origins of music in human societies are shrouded in the…
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June 2024 Artificial Intelligence is a Tool
Dear Friend, In 2017, Yuval Noah Harari said that we have not been prepared historically for the scenario of a world with non-conscious super-intelligent entities and “we have no ability to really foresee where the AI will develop”.[1] In 7 years there have been major leaps forward and some would say Artificial Intelligence (AI) is…
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March 2024 ~ Brain and Consciousness
The Brain as a Router for Consciousness Dear Friend, For many years, scientists did not consider the field of consciousness to be worthy of serious scientific exploration. What Professor David Chalmers has dubbed “the hard problem,” namely the subjective nature of the experience of consciousness, was a major stumbling block.[1] However, recently the field has…
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December 2023 ~ Plastics
What is your long-term choice? Dear Friend, During the festive season, we decorate our homes, and Christmas trees with glitter. Glitter is plastic and because of its minute size, is very likely trapped between our carpet fibers or consumed by our beloved pets. For these reasons, the EU has now banned glitter: it is not…
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September 2023 Subset of Consciousness
Science as a subset of Consciousness Dear Friend, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Benedictine monk and author, said: “Sometimes people get the mistaken notion that spirituality is a separate department of life, the penthouse of existence. But rightly understood, it is a vital awareness that pervades all realms of our being.” [1] Humanity is gradually awakening to…
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June 2023 Spiritual Life
What does it mean to live a Spiritual Life? Dear Friend, The great Carl Jung said that unconsciousness is our worst sin and moreover that we will do anything to avoid facing our own souls. Yet, many people, once they have decided to take the road less travelled, pursue it relentlessly, pondering the meaning of…
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March 2023 Inner Core
Dear Friend, Much recent geological research has been focused on the core of the Earth. Accepted thinking is that there are four major layers of the Earth: the crust, mantle, outer core and the inner core (IC). We know very little about the IC, far less than we know about the ‘reaches beyond our planet,’…
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December 2022 Water
Thoughts on Revelation 22:17: … Let anyone who wants the water of life take it as a gift! Dear Friend, With 722 mentions in the Bible, the word “water” occurs more often than the words faith, hope, prayer, and worship. Created on the first day (Gen 1:2), we see it in the beginning of the…
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Sept. 2022 Are we playing God?
Dear Friend, The human condition is always to strive to live longer and find the fountain of youth. Scientists are often driven by this quest, like Chris Barnard, the surgeon from South Africa who was a friend and colleague of Desiree Hurtak’s father. Dr. Barnard, who performed the first heart transplant, spent his last years…
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June 2022 Thresholds of Transformation
Dear Friend, NASA’s Curiosity Rover on May 7, 2022[1], photographed what resembled a door on Mars. NASA has disputed that this is anything other than a natural phenomenon, but rather created by fissures in the rocks[2]. Traditionally, doors represent a liminal experience, a threshold one has to pass through to enter a new state of…
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March 2022 – Peace and Compassion
Dear Friend, Can we ever fully embody the consciousness of Peace and Compassion? We are living at a time similar to what is spoken of as the 4th Seal in the Book of Revelation, where we are confronted with war, climate change, pandemics, etc. The real question is, in the midst of all this can…
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December 2021 Neutrinos ‒ Shaping our Future
Dear Friend, A neutral, virtually massless particle that seldom interacts with matter has been described by physicist Paschal Coyle in Messages from the Edge of the Universe as potentially “the key to the universe”,[1] and Fermilab director Piermaria Oddone speculates that future research will discover how neutrinos have “shaped the Universe we live in.”[2] In…
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September 2021 The Healing Power of Sound
Dear Friend, The first communication we have with the world is through sound; and the last communication the world has with us is through sound. The fetus is able to hear sound from around the fifth month in the womb. Interestingly, the safe high frequency sound beyond the perceptual range of the human ear known…
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June 2021 Cooperation as the way forward in Science
Dear Friend, Competition, acquisition and consumption make up what Dr J.J. Hurtak often refers to as the “unholy trinity”. Its pivotal role, seen so starkly in the world of scientific research, may well lead to the downfall of our world. Dismantling it, even piece by piece, has the potential to bring about change and transform…
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March 2021 Extraterrestrials: Are they watching us?
Dear Friend, Are there advanced alien civilizations sending spaceships to probe our earth and if so where do they come from? Could this be a scientific reality or is it just science fiction? Tabetha Boyajian,[1] astrophysicist and Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Louisiana State University has been investigating a distant star KIC 8462852,…
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Dec. 2020 Matter and Light
December 2020 We are deeply saddened by having to say goodbye to the physical body, wonderful knowledge and mind of our beloved Shirley, but we are comforted by knowing that in the continuation of the newsletters that she started so many years ago, and which made her a household name within the Academy, she is…
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Sept 2020 The Nature of Interconnectedness
We, as her Spiritual Family, acknowledge the passing of our beloved elder sister, Shirley, in her last newsletter. We see her in Oneness with her new brothers and sisters in the greater heavens. We further acknowledge that her newsletter will continue and so will her Spirit. Dear Friend, When we pray over our meals, is…
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June 2020 Spiraling into Existence
Dear Friend, Knowledge of our universe is growing by leaps and bounds. One of the things scientists have yet to establish definitively is whether there is other intelligent life in this vast universe. A recent paper, based on the Drake equation[1] that appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, astrophysicists, Tom Westby and Christopher J. Conselice from…
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March 2020 Higher Purpose
The Electron and Our Higher Purpose Dear Friend, The subject of electrons runs through almost the entire Keys of Enoch® which tells us that a super-electron and the electron, were designed to unify our local universe. The Keys of Enoch®[1] states in Key 318:3: “…the electron, as man knows it, is only a sub-electron within…
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December 2019 Language of Nazca
The Universal Language of Nazca Dear Friend, The significance of the iconic Nazca lines on the Southern Peru plains remains shrouded in mystery. It has long been asserted that the lines can only be viewed from above. However, according to Kennedy et al , they can be seen from ground level, but are much more…
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September 2019 The Revelations of Trees
Dear Friend, Who can deny that a tree is a living entity? Even scientific researchers appear to be gradually recognising this. In his recent book, The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate, forester Peter Wohlleben[1] describes scientific research showing that trees communicate with one another by using chemical, hormonal and slow-pulsing…
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June 2019 Renewal and Ever Renewing
Dear Friend, There are many discoveries coming to light; the Pyramids worldwide, labyrinths and archaeological signs of previous civilizations from other times, preceding our current Alpha and Omega cycle. We are told in The Keys of Enoch®, such discoveries are part of spiritual grids that will open to unlock the scientific records containing information of…
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March 2019 Time
Is Time Real? Dear Friend, MIT philosopher Dr Bradford Skow, in Objective Becoming[1], explores the concept that time is not linear and does not pass as we seem to think it does. Dr. Skow refers to the block universe theory of time or eternalism, where the past, present and future exist simultaneously. He further explores…
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December 2018 Whiteholes
Whiteholes: the Means of New Creation Dear Friend, Scientists have spent many years researching blackholes, and more recently, whiteholes and their possible relationship. Researchers in Penn State and Louisiana State Universities, Abhay Ashtekar, Javier Olmedo and Parampreet Singh[1], and researchers at the Centre of Theoretical Physics in Marseilles, Carlo Rovelli and his team, Eugenio Bianchi, Marios…
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September 2018 Epigenetics and Our Overself
Dear Friend, Recent collaborative research[1], reported in the journal Nature Neuroscience, co-led by Ed Lein, Ph.D., of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, and Gábor Tamás, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the University of Szeged in Szeged, Hungary, has uncovered a new rare type of human brain cell, a rosehip (GABAergic or inhibitory) neuron, in the…
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June 2018 The Helical Constant in the Universe
Dear Friend, Nothing is haphazard in the Cosmos. “The Sun happens to be 400 times the Moon’s diameter, and 400 times as far away. That coincidence means the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size when viewed from Earth.”[1] Mathematics is considered to be at the root of everything created. Plato, centuries ago,…
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March 2018 Supersymmetry
Supersymmetry: Restoration of the Trinity Balance Dear Friend, Recent research has been observing matter and antimatter trying to work out why an asymmetry of matter exists in our world. If matter and antimatter particles are identical but opposite in sign to one another, they should by rights annihilate each other. However, after the so-called Big…
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December 2017 Unity of Being
Dear Friend In an interview on his recent book Into the Silent Land: Travels in neuropsychology, neuropsychologist Paul Broks claimed that [1]: From a neuroscience perspective we are all divided and discontinuous. The mental processes underlying our sense of self – feelings, thoughts, memories – are scattered through different zones of the brain. There is…
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September 2017 Beyond Our Consciousness Experience
Dear Friend, Science has been slow to accept the link between the spiritual and the scientific, but recent findings are forcing some scientists to consider the possibility of the survival of consciousness beyond physical death. Dr Sam Parnia, cardiologist, is one of them[1]. He and his team, who have recently completed a three-year study…
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June 2017 Extraterrestrials
Dear Friend, According to theorist Avi Loeb, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, “Science isn’t a matter of belief, it’s a matter of evidence. Deciding what’s likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It’s worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge.”[1] What sparked that statement was a paper on the…
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March 2017 Symmetry and Asymmetry
Dear Friend, Symmetry is an ideal state that comes from above and, in experimental realms, asymmetry is inherent in all possibilities. Scientists collaborating in the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment[1], have found the first traces of difference between matter and antimatter. They found decay of baryons (a particle which includes protons and neutrons and…
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December 2016 Hope for the Future
Dear Friend, Nikola Tesla said “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”. There are a few scientists today crossing the borders of materialism. Alexander Gurwitsch[1] introduced the concept of morphogenetic fields in 1944. Eight years later the…
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September 2016 New Light on DNA
Dear Friend, We have been taught that UV radiation damages the DNA molecules of living organisms in various ways. In one common damage event, known as dimerization, adjacent bases bond with each other in the presence of UV radiation in an ‘ultrafast’ manner according to Schreier et al[1]. They, thus, form side by side instead…
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June 2016 Expansion of the Universe
Dear Friend, The first Key in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® tells us our universe is “open-ended”, by which we understand that it is adaptable to change, having no fixed limits, and ultimately providing for an “on-going” future of opportunities. Some of this appears to be borne out by what astronomers have…
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March 2016 The Power of Love
Dear Friend, In the introduction to The Keys of Enoch ®, Dr Hurtak talks of the power of Light and Love: The teachings of Enoch explain how we will truly transmute this world of material form to be consistent with the structural pattern of the “Living Light” within the Kingdom of Light, where both Man…
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December 2015 Are We Protected?
Dear Friend, As we write this letter the COP21 climate change conference in Paris is drawing to a close. There is global celebration of the unity and commitment shown at COP21 as over 190 countries have come together to ratify an agreement that will seek to reduce global carbon emissions and keep the warming of…
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September 2015 Thoughts on Daniel 12:4
Dear Friend, Daniel tells us “And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant”. Just as Daniel mentions the roving about in the same verse as the increase in knowledge, so in…
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June 2015 Thoughts on Consciousness
Dear Friend, Max Tegmark, MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech., Boston) Physics Professor, says consciousness is mathematical, dependent upon patterns in space-time, and their arrangement of the parts, which manifest as emergent phenomena 1. He considers mathematics as the “central control” of the universe. He even goes so far as to argue that humans are rearranged…
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March 2015 Do we have free will?
Dear Friend, Everyone wants Freedom! For centuries we have striven to live in a society that allows our own free will to be respected by others. In 1963, Lesley Gore sang the popular song entitled “You Don’t Own Me” with the lyrics: Don’t tell me what to do, Don’t tell me what to say… So…
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December 2014 “You are the Light of the world…” (Gospel of Matthew 5:14)
“You are the Light of the world…” (Gospel of Matthew 5:14) Dear Friend, The words of Jesus quoted by Matthew in his Gospel affirms that we are “the Light of the world” and makes a keen distinction between the common light of planetary day-to-day reality and a special type of biophysical Light that emanates from…
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September 2014 Mass Extinction
Dear Friend, We live in a cyclic universe, however we tend to count history in terms of a very short life span. Archaeologists and geologists are unearthing historical cycles of advanced civilization from thousands to millions of years ago. These findings show that there have been mass extinction’s in time past. And recent findings show…
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June 2014 Electron orientation and Pillar of Light
Dear Friend, According to The Keys of Enoch®, a transition into a new spatial and consciousness environment requires nine stages to be fulfilled. One of these nine stages relates to how “Man will reprogram Man to go beyond his terrestrial “cubic function” measured in terms of orbital spin and what he feels to be a…
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March 2014 Power of the Mind
Dear Friend, In Key 3-1-3: 36 we read, Man, too, has mind over matter abilities, and an infinite resourcefulness in the interplay of Light when he seeks the Treasury of Light that Metatron reveals from the richness of Light beyond physical limitation. A good case for the claim of ‘mind over matter’ took placed during…
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December 2013 Fission energy
Dear Friend, The Tokyo Electric Power Company has begun dismantling over a thousand fuel rods at the Fukushima Reactor complex. ¹ They are trying to deal with the danger of releasing further radiation. This extremely delicate operation will take a minimum of one year and many predict at least two. We are faced with this situation…
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August 2013 Science behind spiritual practice
Dear Friend, It is so reassuring to see international teams of scientists engaging with and scientifically validating the importance of spiritual practice. Within the last year, three interesting experiments verify the work of the Academy for Future Science. Josipovic (NYU) et al., using MRIs found that relaxing into a state of meditation and oneness, and…
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July 2013 From UFOs to Merkabah
Dear Friend, In Washington D.C. last month, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of Human-ET encounters, went before a committee of former Congressional members, live-streamed worldwide. This is a long awaited event. It has been more than 60 years of debunking the Roswell incident, which instigated an office dedicated to denial of the reality of other…
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April 2013 Climate change and our responsibility
Dear Friend, In a recent article in Geophysical Research Letters, “When will the summer arctic be nearly sea ice free?” James E. Overland and Muyin Wang used data and three models to predict the result of the melting ice, finding “a possibility of major loss within a decade or two.” They also infer a link…
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December 2012 Eben Alexander and the Language of Light
Dear Friend, Dr Eben Alexander III, a brilliant academic neurosurgeon, recently became recognized for his claims that heaven exists. His publication Proof of Heaven (2012) documents his experience. His cortex had shut down (according to medical reports, CT scans and neurological examinations) after his contracting rare bacterial meningitis, which was eating his brain. According to…
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October 2012 Medical Astronomy
Dear Friend, An important aspect of the 64 Keys of Enoch® is to introduce us to new fields of “future science”. The breakthroughs in medical science for instance will be a continued blessing for humankind. When The Keys were given in the 1970s, it seemed as impossible a feat as the mission to the Moon…
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August 2012 Water in the Kalahari
Dear Friend, As populations proliferate, everybody is going to be fighting over water. This is the most important resource for ongoing life on this planet providing a basis of agriculture and widening the scope of crops that can be grown. Thus this recent find of an underground water aquifer in Namibia is highly significant. It…
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June 2012 Return of the Dove in the chiliocosm
Dear Friend, The Dove represents several important spiritual basic truths. It is generally accepted as the symbol of peace, but in Biblical terms Noah’s Dove symbolizes the ability to start anew on a planet cleansed of all evil. At the baptism of Jesus, the Dove appeared over his head pronouncing him the Son of God…
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First Shirley & Alys Newsletter
Dear Friend, Biblical scriptures have pointed out that at the end of the time cycle, knowledge will be greatly increased. As our ‘end of time’ cycle nears, this speeding up of knowledge is evident especially in our future leaders, the children around us, who seem to know so much more than we did at their…
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