Sacred Expressions of the Divine in the Language of the Greek New Testament
according to the study by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
copyright © 1973, 1989, 1998 J.J. Hurtak
Please do not copy this list to other places on the internet, onto paper, or onto audio/video devices. If you are interested in using it, you may link to this page.
This study is connected with The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and is intended to be an ecumenical study. Therefore, for other expressions in various languages: see also our pages on the Hebrew-Aramaic and Vedic-Sanskrit expressions of the Divine to provide additional study.
The purpose of this page is to allow those of the Judeo-Christian heritage to recognize the Divine Names and Attributes throughout the Scriptures. Before studying this section we must acknowledge that there are more than 24 basic Divine Expressions in Greek.
Remember, these words are sacred words and should be treated with respect.
1 ALPHA KAI OMEGA (Greek) “Alpha and Omega” or “Beginning and End”
The sacred words of the cosmic pronouncement of the unity of the old program of creation being rolled up and delivered to the new program of the Divine Father through the risen Christ who reveals himself in John (22:13) through words of blessing to the saints.
O Divine Alpha Kai Omega, may the changes of the lower world not remove my eyes from the signs in the heavens that emphasize not so much the passing of an old world as the coming of a new creation in heaven and the earth through which the Risen Christ will be seen in all his Glory.
2 ANGELOS THEOU (Greek) “Angel of God”
The angels are the Messengers and in the final phase of the eschatology (final teaching on the planetary changes), the New Testament (Matthew 24:30-31) speaks of the actual seeing of these true messengers who will gather the elect from the four directions of the earth.
O Divine Angelos Theou, may the appearance of the Divine in all His Glory not catch the righteous unprepared for the sacrifices they must make for the coming of the Hosts and the victory over the powers of spiritual darkness as signs of the physical externalization of the angelic household with the theophany of Christ.
3 ARTOS (Greek) “Bread (leavened)” or “The Bread of Life”
In the New Testament, Jesus proclaimed himself as “The Bread of Life” and shared this in the breaking of the bread as the holy eucharist (Matt. 26:26). In the post-resurrection (symbolically after the road to Emmaus), breaking of the bread (Luke 24:20) he showed his divinity in transforming bread into the bread of life.
O Artos, may Thy precious body even to the very structure of my DNA be restored within me as the fullness of rebuilding my physical body cell-by-cell into Thy glorious body of Light so I can partake of the Divine Substance in the presence of the Hosts.
4 BASILEIA TON OURANON (Greek) “Kingdom of the Heavens”
The New Testament has given us an understanding of the Kingdom of the Heavens (plural) which contains many realms, that is, more than one heaven or realm of Glory. This will vary from the “third heaven” proclaimed by the Apostle Paul in the 2 Corinthians(12:1-7) correspondence to the journey to the “seventh heaven” proclaimed also in the early Christian writing entitled Ascension of Isaiah.
May future life in the Basileia Ton Ouranon reveal the many heavens and the many realities and may we receive the testimony of the great Apostle Paul who reminds us of the greater creation behind the three-story limitations of our immediate universe.
5 DIATHEKE (Greek) “Covenant”
The Greek word in Hebrews 9:16 for the Hebrew “Brith” is the sign of God’s plan for dialogue and redemption with His people. The Covenant in the New Testament is connected with the triumphant vehicle of the Christ nature. The writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews (7:22:8:6,8,9; 9:4) uses the word in the Old Testament sense of Jeremiah 31:31-34, quoting from Moses’ account of the ark of the covenant.
O Divine One, may the Diatheke, between Thee and Thy people remind us of our work to be the Light unto the nations for the quickening of Thy Kingdom in this world. Let Thy Covenant unite all Covenants in Thee who art Absolute, Supreme and Ultimate.
6 DOXA THEOU (Greek) “Glory of God”
In the New Testament (Revelation 19:7), the sacred expression is used to proclaim the eventual wedding or marriage between the saints in the earth (the Bride) and the Christ (the Groom) with the heavenly family.
May the Doxa Theou, the glory of God manifest a new doxology of sacred names and music for the marriage of Christ and the Bride with the coming of the heavenly family of the sons and daughters of Light. O Divine Trinity, prepare us for the bridal chamber of our hearts. Prepare us for the marriage of power and beauty.
7 EGO EIME ANASTASIS (Greek) “I am the Resurrection”
The triumph words of the Risen Christ announced in the Revelation of John the Divine (John 11:25). The teaching of piercing the veil of space and time and self-realized experience of the higher worlds of the Divine through physical transformation and ascension.
O Eternal Christ, may the sacred expression Ego Eime Anastasis align our body of flesh and bones with the Light body and the promise of resurrection. From the core of Thy love and the Father’s living Light may the cells within my body be illuminated by the flash of lightning and my soul awakened to its reclaimed birthright of movement throughout the universe through Thy victory over death.
The affirmation of the trinity power of the Godhead manifesting the parenthood of the Adamic seed in all people engrafted into the message of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matthew 22:32). Here the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament and the Old Testament is revealed in the New.
O Divine Ego Eime Ho Theos Abraham Kai Ho Theos Isaak Kai Ho Theos Jakob, Thou art the Many and the One. May the mystery of Thy manifested power in the unfoldment of Thy seed program through the patriarchs and prophets remind us of the power of the three-fold mystery of how Thy Divine Family works throughout the universe. May the trinity glory manifested in the appearance of Jesus, Moses and Elijah help us to realize the dimensional glory of your family.
9 EULOGAYMENOS HO ERCHOMENOS EN ONOMATI KYRIOU (Greek) “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord”
The proclamation (Matthew 21:9) of the prophets in the language of the New Testament to reflect the coming of Christ as Yoshua who comes in the name of Yahweh as the anointed Prince of Peace.
Eulogaymenos Ho Erchomenos En Onomati Kyriou, who cometh in the name of Yahweh, remind us of the Eternal Peace that sets us free. O Divine Prince of Peace, Thy rule springs into existence as our arms and hearts reach out to embrace all Creation. May you be Blessed Forever.
10 HAGIOS PNEUMA (Greek) “The Holy Spirit”
The Invisible Manifestation of the Godhead as Spirit that spoke through Isaiah and the prophets (Acts 28:25) and manifests the indwelling of the Eternal Father and the Eternal Son known as the source for regeneration and eternal life.
Come, O Holy Spirit, and manifest the gifts of Eternal Life and the Language of Light as at Pentecost. May Thy power bring forth the outpouring of Thy gifts among all who are seeking the meaning to life and the activation of the saints for the abundant light work to be done in this world and in union with the angelic family in the next Mansion world of the Universe.
11 HO CHRISTOS (Greek) “The Christ”
The Greek term for the anointed one or the deliverer who comes from the Divine Father to break the bonds of death and set the captives free. The title found several times in the Greek version (LXX) of the Old Testament appears for the first time in Matthew 2:4 in a question by the scribes and priests.
O Ho Christos, may we as Thy Christopheroi, “Christ bearers,” unite heaven and earth through our harmony with you. Pour out Thy power and desire that it may act to form the great Light from all Lights in the opening of the hearts of humanity to Thy plan for deliverance and life in the higher worlds of Light.
12 HO THEOS (Greek) “The God”
The Greek New Testament uses this one expression for the word God which sometimes appears as the plural (hoi Theoi). The plural is used for the Hebrew “Elohim” and the Aramaic “Elahin” which is used numerous times in the Old and New Testament to indicate the different levels of experimental divinity in the other realms under the true God (YHWH). In the Book of Daniel the plural word for God is used thirteen times (Daniel 2:47) . Jesus tells his listeners in John 10:34, 35, “I said: You are gods.” implying the saints are embyro gods. Although the singular form is generally used, to it is often added expansions of this expression such as to [ho] theos [ho] aiônios — the everlasting God and ho theos ho hypsistos — the God Most High.
O Ho Theos Ho Hypsistos within the Supreme Godhead– let us understand the structure of nature from Infinity. Grant us what we need each day in Thy Divine Thought-forms and expressions of Eternity. Bless those who seek their heavenly destiny.
13 KATHEGETES (Greek) “Guide” or “Leader”
The words of the New Testament book of Matthew 23:10 is an expression of the leadership of Offices between The Father and The Anointed Son. The reference to the work and Office of the Christ who is with the Divine in the guidance of All Creation.
O Divine Kathegetes, Thou art above all creation and rivalries. May your myriad hierarchies assist the earth under us and exalt our new body of flesh with a body of Thy Light. Let Thy Love and Wisdom from Thy Throne generate in our fragile bodies a new body with the radiance and strength of a diamond reflecting the Christ.
14 LITHOS AKROGONIAIOS (Greek) “Corner stone”
The expression for the Body of Christ as being the architectural construct between the stone of the physical earth and the heavenly Temple (1 Peter 2:6). It exemplifies the geometric connection between the body of humanity and the body of the Son of the Christed Humanity.
O Divine Lithos Akrogoniaios, let all the vortices that connect with stars and planets converge around the corner stone that links all Temples and places of worship with the greater Temple in the new creation of humankind. O Son of Light, create in us a clean heart of divine cooperation so that our many selves can become the living Temple of one voice, one action.
15 LOGOS THEOU (Greek) “Word of God”
A sacred expression for The Word of God which is alive and exerts power as we are told “in the beginning was The Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1). It is also expressed in the context of the New Testament book of Hebrews (4:12) to show the bridge between soul and spirit.
O Logos Theou, forgive our lack of Knowledge and grant us Wisdom and Understanding that we might make our soul and spirit one. Thy Logos power is a sustaining force for physical creation, hidden in the past but revealed in the unfolding future with no boundaries to Thy sustaining Light.
16 PANTOKRATOR. (Greek) “Almighty”
Sacred title used in the New Testament (Revelation. 15:3) for the Almighty who is “Shaddai” in Hebrew. The magnificent presence of the victorious form of the Godhead in overcoming the lower hierarchies of the world.
(See also. Acts 19:20; Eph. 1:19; 6:10; Col. 1:11; I Pet. 4:11, 5:11; Rev. 1:6)
O Pantakrator, out of Thine awesome Divine Light, share your birthing glory by returning Light and Sacred Sound into our body through which we can ascend into Your Kingdom of super-time and super-space and so into the House of Many Mansions.
17 PAROUSIA (Greek) “Presence” refered to as the “Return of Christ”
From its first occurrence in Matthew 24:3 to its last occurrence in 1 John 2:28 the sacred word is used for the heavenly witness of the Son of Man with his angelic Hosts. Used also in the post-New Testament to indicate the arrival of the divine Hosts of the triumphant Christ to this earth dimension at the end of the planetary cycle.
O Divine Parousia, may the great power and vital force of the Family of Christ in the universe manifest the greatest levels of energy to help empower our peaceful strategies in the elevation of this cosmic cycle back into the Procession of the Infinite.
18 PARAKLETOS (Greek) “Intercessor” “Consoler” “Advocate” or “Comforter”
Whether we are speaking of the scroll of John (14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:2) where we are told of the Comforter, or the scroll of 1 John (2:1) where it is usually translated as the Advocate, the Spirit of the Divine as the Holy Spirit can be with us to assist in our spiritual work.
O Divine Parakletos, comfort us and bear witness with our spirit so that we may grow and develop as cosmic beings through Thy Light and illumination each day. Through the illumination of life’s needs may we share your Eternal Peace with all sentient beings, first hidden and then revealed in each letter of Thy Love.
19 PNEUMA KYRIOU (Greek) “Spirit of the Lord”
In the New Testament (Acts 8:39; 2 Cr 3:17), the vision of Spirit that provides the Way to Eternal Life. This Spirit is also present in the universal mathematics and in the celestial music or the chorus of song, and as we learn of the Song of Moses (Old Testament) with the Song of the Lamb (New Testament), it becomes our Song and our Spirit of the Divine that can indwell within us.
O Pneuma Kyriou, activate the Spirit of the harp within my heart so that heartbeat by heartbeat we can compose the music of the spheres within our bodies, so that we can create a new world with Thy more subtle vibrations. Compose our inner space and time into the greater universe wherein we can behold Your Greatness and Your Love.
20 PROTOTOKON (Greek) “Firstborn One”
A sacred expression of the spiritual anthropology connected with the birth of the Eternal Son as the first example of the heavenly Man coded within the experiment of the Adamic seed (Hebrews 1:6). The expression of the true origin of the Adamic seed in the higher worlds before this world came to be.
O Prototokon, may Thy presence as Divine Son manifest the truth of our identity and cosmic origin in the family of the higher creation in Thy image and similitude. May Thy precious nature help us reclaim our birthright and origin with brothers and sisters of the higher worlds.
21 SOMA CHRISTOU (Greek) “Body of Christ”
The body of Christ Jesus which demonstrated the Man-God partnership. The body that is put on through the celebration of the Eucharistic indwelling body of inner glory, the “Soma” that is shared through transubstantiation with the body of the believer so that both become one in Christ (Luke 22:19).
O Divine Soma Christou, let us put on the fulness of Christ that we may resist corruption, and possess integrity, and manifest Thy Word as luminous power in a world of darkness. May my body receive the Light of Thy body which hears the universal Logos and feels Thy Divine Presence to accomplish miracles in this body of dust which will be quickened into cosmic Life.
22 SOPHIA CHRISTOU (Greek) “Wisdom of Christ”
In the context of mystical Judaism and Christianity, “Wisdom” is seen as the feminine nature of the Divine extended into creation. In the New Testament, the final awakening and ascension into the feminine nature takes place with the rebirth of the “Virgin” nature within the believer (Revelation 3:4) leading to the marriage between the Christ nature and the heavenly bride (Revelation 21:2).
O Divine Sophia Christou, emanate from the Treasury of Thy Thoughts the power to sustain the inner Virgin nature to sustain all life according to Thy Image. May the power of the heavenly Sophia be the universal gathering of the minds into the quantum mind of the Cosmic Christ. May the rational mind and understanding be subordinate as handmaids to Thy supreme Spirit as the Wisdom behind every form that is sealed in Faith and Truth.
23 SOTER (Greek) “Savior” or “Deliverer”
In the New Testament Gospels (Luke 1: 47; 2:11) and the Epistles (2 Peters 1:1; 2:20), the Savior is the one who fulfills the Messianic office and manifests the meaning of the mysteries of life to the saints so they can co-create in this life and in the new heavens.
O Divine Sotar, may Thy Presence activate my sleeping nature and may the song of Thy words beautify and awaken my soul into a Living Spirit. Empower Thy people that they may be exceedingly glad in the work of quickening the living and dead so that they may be returned to the Light and Glory of our House of Many Mansions.
24 THEOS PNEUMATON TON PROPHAYTON (Greek) “God of the spirits of the Prophets,” or “God of the inspired expressions of the Prophets”
A sacred pronouncement from the New Testament (Revelation 22:6) signaling the True Inspiration behind the prophets that proclaim the age of Revelation.The reality of the real source of power – God acting through those who have beheld the Greater Glory and the Light Body.
O Theos Pneumaton Ton Prophayton, may Thy holy and sacred expressions give power to the letters and geometries of Thy Words so that they can produce change as the ruling principles of this universe. May Thy words expand Thy knowledge and wisdom from planet to planet, galaxy to super-galaxy in overcoming our limitations that separate us from Christ and the heavenly sons and daughters of Light. May the sacred words refined in Thy breath activate a corrupting nature into the divine nature Thou hast intended for us as Adamic teachers in Eternal Life.
If you are interested in hearing some of these expressions in Liturgy form, we invite you to experience our Sacred Liturgy audio recording.
Please note: The above list of Sacred Names, although mainly derived from biblical scriptures and sacred texts is a unique list with accompanying prayers compiled from the scholarly work of Dr. J.J. Hurtak. Therefore we ask that you do not copy this to other places on the internet or make multiple copies on paper or onto audio/video devices. If you are interested in using it, please link to this site. We instead encourage everyone to study the sacred expressions within the Bible and make your own prayers as you are inspired.
copyright (c) 1973, 1989, 1998 by J.J. Hurtak
Our work is ecumenical. For other expressions in various languages see:
Hebrew-Aramaic Sacred Names and Vedic-Sanskrit Names of the Mother.

Many of our music CDs are a meditation with Sacred Names.Click here for inspired music.
We also encourage you to study our Bible, Intertestamental, Coptic - Gnostic and Mystical scrolls with special commentary. Click here for study materials.