The Academy occasionally selects or requests contributions that express ideas central to our point of view. Please visit the items below for a selection of personal viewpoints. We hope you enjoy these newsletters and essays from our colleagues around the world.
What Will You Find?
What will you find in your own silence Once you have dared to slip away from all the sounds – Once you have found the courage to be still, and simply listen to the silences within. Will you find old memories – rising again where emotions have been sleeping for so many years?…
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The New Revealing
Time becomes a moment filled with mystery – not history. Cosmic curtains open; the Star of Consciousness revealed! More aware now that we have become more aware, We tiptoe on the stage of new Awakening. Age of Revelation. Age of Realizing We Already know. Old ideas of divinity crumble like icons of lesser times …
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Those of us who journey back beyond primeval roots – Those of us who seek a dream which some won’t comprehend – Those of us who travel far within the Spirit’s flow know there is always more. Take the beauty of the desert with its glow of sunset gold, Take…
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Joseph | Vision Quest
By Joseph Piskorowski originally written for a study program The person who experiences a vision believes that it is occurring in the outer world, although another person who was with them would not necessarily agree. A vision is an extremely vivid image. It is like being able to see with your eyes closed. Something a…
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A Personal Letter from David E.
Dear Academy: I see more and more each day how the Keys are being fulfilled in many of the advances that science and technology are making. This is quite an exciting time as well as fearful one. There is so much hope and potential for Man to change his ways and prevent this world from…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 11
Dear Friend, We live in a limited light field, or in gravitationally trapped light. The word “light” itself refers equally to the radiance of energy, the radiance of the sun, or any other generator that produces natural or artificial light, but also to the energy behind enlightenment, or what could be called consciousness light. When…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 10
Dear Friend, You surely wonder why children are being so systemically abused both physically and sexually. What is causing this sudden escalation of child rape. The Keys of Enoch® have given us some of the answers. We know that the fallen powers and principalities do not wish man to take his next step into the…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 9
Dear Friend, With cloning being very much on the scientific agenda, many have asked whether a cloned being would have a soul. Of course, if it could breathe and live it would have the lower soul, or Nephesh, which every living creation has. But would it have an evolutionary soul capable of going on to…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 8
Dear Friend, We believe there is life somewhat similar to ours on countless other planets. Very recently the evidence of planets orbiting various stars has actually been documented by astronomers, and the numbers are climbing. If there are so many other planets, we certainly cannot be the only life forms in the universe. But how…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 7
Dear Friend, Solomon is famous for his great wisdom, remembered by most of us as his special ability to use his judgment with an exquisite wisdom beyond arbitration. You surely remember the case where two women each claimed to be the mother of a baby, so he offered to cut the baby in two and…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 6
Dear Friend, One of the key questions separating science and religion is: do we believe the scientists who propound a theory of evolution, or do we accept the biblical model of a divine creation? The Keys teach that it is not a matter of “either/or,” but that both views can be accommodated in the higher…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 5
Dear Friend, In studying the Keys of Enoch®, we have to go beyond the physical and see the spiritual that sets all physical creation in motion. The spiritual thought-forms of the Godhead extend through multiple layers of manifestation before they reach the physical creation we experience. On each level, the appropriate conditions and consciousness standard…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 4
Dear Friend, How we long for peace in the world, and to this end we pray for peace, somehow expecting that it is something we can be granted. First of all, Peace is not something that comes from without, nor is it an absence of war and hostility. It emanates from within, and requires that…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 3
Dear Friend, As One of the most mysterious aspects of the Trinitized Godhead is the Holy Spirit. Let us say from the outset that with our three-dimensional minds we can only consider this subject with limited understanding. We are told in the Bible that the “Gifts” of the Holy Spirit are to be poured out…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 2
Originally published in 1999 Dear Friend, As our clock ticks minute by minute towards midnight December, 1999 many see the new millennium as a magic new start to a better life. But world conditions are virtually deteriorating before our eyes, so what stupendous changes will occur during that final minute? Ask yourself the question seriously…
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Shirley’s Newsletter 1
Dear Friend, There are so many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit. Perhaps one of the reasons is that it was translated as “Holy Ghost” in the authorised version of the Bible, and this has put it out of the sphere of the relation for, most people. The whole concept has been misunderstood and simply relegated…
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Joseph on the Academy
Expanding the Horizons of the Inner Mind A Creative Essay ©1999 by Joseph Piskorowski Working with The Academy For Future Science and partaking of The Reality of Global Transformation awakens a realization that there is a multi-faceted existence that is being experienced by the human race. Everything that takes place is for a Divine reason no…
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