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The Academy is a nonprofit organization in the United States, a 501 (c)(3), and your donations are tax deductible. If you enjoy our teachings, sacred music and films and want to ensure that we can reach more and more people, please help with your personal contributions.
Donations have allowed our work to reach completely around the globe. Our teachings are now available in many different languages and our books have been placed in all major countries of the world. Your support is absolutely necessary to continue to make this possible.
One of the great teachings of donations in the New Testament Gospels is the story of the poor woman at the Temple who gave two lepia (a few cents). Jesus tells us that her offering was greater than those of great wealth in that she gave from her heart, soul, and spirit. Her gift made a substantial difference as a real and living support of spiritual teaching. In the same vision we ask that the tens of thousands who drawn support from the music and teaching of The Academy allow it’s outreach to work “miracles of the Spirit” and sacred music throughout the world.
To send a donation using postal mail,
please contact us 1.877.872.5397 for physical mailing address.
Thank you