Perhaps, humanity, at some point of time, will understand the clues left by a greater intelligence prior to the many geophysical upheavals, when we stand face to face with artifacts that reveal a wisdom superior to that which can be acquired through a human Darwinistic evolution. There already appear to be clues coded into many mathematical and astronomical glyphs which could be called part of our consciousness myth, as well as our consciousness science. We must soon begin to entertain the possibility that all of these glyphs may be higher scientific keys to the instant media of our evolution.
In understanding ancient structures, like Nazca, Peru where aerial faces of heaven are projected upon the face of the earth, we are being told that there is something else we must ascend into, astrophysically speaking, besides taking a mythological cakewalk through the geometries of the zodiac. Upon a closer look at the myriad ancient unexplainable wonders in stone in Asia and South America, we begin to realize something greater than Herodotus’ seven wonders of the ancient world which serve as a rememberance of a pre-history time. We are beginning to consider this earth station as an astrophysical model which gives humanity some evidence of where our evolutionary station is within myriad universal patterns of birth and rebirth.
In our age of astrophysics, we are beginning to grasp the existence of the amino acids throughout the universe and the possibility of other technological civilizations. More importantly, we are beginning to grasp the cosmological existence of higher light frequencies, working in dimensions beyond 7,800 angstroms, and in non-electromagnetic environments. We are beginning to understand the place of the earthling, as a mere matrix or membrane in relationship to the next “super string.”
Let us come out of the cave of darkness and help evolve this evolution into the stars, rather than simply remain in this historical womb as the only place of space-time impregnation. Let us see that our field of space-time transparency is just one system of evolution, a type of pyramidal evolutionary mode, where a space-time overlap could link one evolutionary mind-field with another. The only thing that would separate the evolutionary fields of intelligence is “consciousness awareness” within an even greater universal Intelligence. Soon our mind will be understood as part of a vast electromagnetic brain as instant media for the Universal Mind! In this understanding, Knowledge (Daat) will speed up, according to the words of the prophet Daniel, and “the righteous will be numbered with the stars of thinking intelligence” (Daniel 12:3-4).
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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