Is the year 2012 really going to be as tragic as the pessimists predict, or will it be like the previous year, with major acts of natural destruction causing damages estimated at over 370 billion USD, the costliest year on record from natural disasters? Billions were spent dealing with the tragic results of weather anomalies, from floods and storms to tornados, plus the great nuclear disaster that happened in Japan as a result of the tsunami exacerbated by unproductive governmental strategies. Poor and disadvantaged people suffer most from environmental degradation. Almost every week the media reports catastrophes that shatter lives in the poorest parts of the world.
Maybe this year, however, will be a year of “transformation” in which the Earth and its people pass a great psychological test and begin to implement new ideas of creativity to transcend the old logic of a limited world that uses non-renewable resources. Maybe this year will initiate a time of discovery that moves humanity as a whole away from negative thinking and heralds the dis-empowerment of old paradigms. Maybe this year will be a time of new developments in the harnessing of renewable sources of energy, especially in the fields of solar, wind and clear water technologies, allowing us to transform the planet and ourselves!
Whether we look at the future or the past, we will see that humankind has continued to strive for greater things. The ancient Egyptians knew astronomy, hydrology and the complex mathematics and skills of construction. We are now able to go back and analyze their knowledge through geophysical radar tests. I believe that the continued discoveries in Egypt will challenge some of the assumptions of classical Egyptologists and reveal instead an historic roadmap clearly showing that the ancients understood a much greater cosmology that came from the stars. In fact the discoveries may also reveal how the pyramids are signal beacons, connected to what I call “chronomonitors” in space. So in 2012 we do not need to panic at the appearance of massive solar flares, cosmic oscillations and “solar quakes” that may create geomagnetic changes. The understanding of a greater Plan of evolution is at hand and there is much more to be revealed before Alpha and Omega meet each other once again.
We may be witnessing a ‘Second Coming of Science’ which I believe will precede the ‘Second Coming of the Christ’. Knowledge is speeding up — but we must never feel that we have all the answers, that we are the be-all and end-all of creation. We must never feel that the many stars rise and set exclusively on who we are on this small planet we call “Mother Earth”. Instead, we must recognize that our higher identity comes from the stars and a Plan of Creation that will allow all of us, including our cosmic brothers and sisters in space, to share in the abundance of Life that advances from the House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Spring 2012, Series 6 Volume 9
The Great Pyramids of Egypt: Methodological Aspects of Research
Prof. Sergey Siparov
Tischrede, The Labyrinth of Harawa: The Historical Evidence and the Search Today
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
The Great Pyramids of Egypt, con’t
Prof. Sergey Siparov

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