The Keys of Enoch® and Metatron/Key 406
We are The Word
by Dr. J.J. Hurtak
This is the 6th additional chapter to the teaching of the larger Book of
Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® which speaks of the Divine Word (Logos) that is shared on all levels with the human race. The book provides us with a deeper understanding also of the words of John 1:2: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
What we call the natural cosmophysical phenomenon of the universe is a higher encoding from Consciousness reality. Here Dr. Hurtak explains how we possess the Light body encoded within us from higher realities and other dimensional creations. It also explains why we are in carbon based bodies and how the Divine vibrations are the Key to Life.
Hard Cover – 168 Pages
$35.00 + Shipping
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