by Kim ConverseA specialized use of the Divine Names designed for group and individual singing and meditation. The radiant solo voice and guitar frequency allows for higher states of awareness that nourishes spiritual growth in preparation for positive and direct consciousness experiences.
Listen to “Radiance” sample tracks
Radiance track list
- 1. Ha Shem [ 03:45 ]
- 2. Netzach Merkebah Eliahu Rokeb ba-Arabot [ 03:20 ]
- 3. Shema Yisrael [ 01:42 ]
- 4. Shem Shel Geburah [ 03:23 ]
- 5. Shelomith Shalom [ 02:27 ]
- 6. Aleph-Etz-Adonai [ 03:10 ]
- 7. M’shi’hha M’shishi[ 02:43 ]
- 8. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [ 04:30 ]
- 9. Ari Shemoth [ 02:51 ]
- 10. Yoshua Yahweh [ 04:39 ]
- 11. Melek ohev Tzedakah umishpat [ 02:19 ]
- 12. Adonai Elohenu Adonai [ 03:52 ]
- 13. Yotzer Meorot [ 02:15 ]