Voyage of a Star SeedPrepare yourself for the Merkabah journey that carries you into the higher worlds. Amid sacred sounds and colors you experience its transportational powers as a super-luminal light, traveling beyond the limitations of physical form. Become a time and space traveler as you experience the many heavens!
As you encounter angelic beings and whole Light forms of ultraterrestrial Light from higher dimensional realms, the dimensional gateways will open to you. In this masterpiece of video animation, the Merkabah transports you from our immediate planetary system into other realms of awareness, connecting past, present, and future worlds of balance and beauty.
Running time: 51 minutes (3 loops of 17 minutes each)
The word Merkabah means “vehicle” or “chariot” in Hebrew. This spiritual concept was popularized by The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch® written by Dr. J.J. Hurtak in 1973. The Merkabah vehicle brings a message of Hope and also Wisdom. It is not an extraterrestrial vehicle or UFO, but a vehicle of positive spiritual and scientific energy that goes beyond metallic technology, instead it is a thought-form/consciousness manifestation.
Thus, the study of the Merkabah, the spiritual vehicle, is connected with the pure Light of the Divine that can help us access not only cosmic cultures but also higher multidimensional realities. The story of the Merkabah (Divine Chariot Throne) tells of the most profound form of spiritual travel. In the Scriptures, it is attributed to the vision of Ezekiel who describes the chariot as being made of heavenly beings, generally four creatures connected with “wheel works” that are described as being perpendicular to each other. The use of the term Merkabah, in this regard, is traced back to Rabbi Akiva who taught about the Merkabah as a Divine experience in the first half of the second century C.E. Rabbi Akiva detailed both the heavenly realms/palaces, the Hekhalot, and the Divine Chariot, the Merkabah.
The Keys of Enoch®, Key 301 further explains the Merkabah as a spiritual vehicle of higher Light used by the Brotherhoods of Light (the B’nai Or) as they come from a different “reality” into our physical 3D realm. In the context of our physical universe, the Higher Divine Intelligence uses the Merkabah both to provide humanity with higher Divine Experiences, and to bring a higher message from their greater realms.
Many interpret the central geometry of a Merkabah to be a star tetrahedron or a stella octangula based on the tetrahedral matrices. This is true because the basis for life is the trinity and in our 3-D realm, the “tetra” form, but the Merkabah is not limited to any one form. In fact, as The Keys of Enoch® further state in Key 205, it can move from a bipyramid to a tripyramid, from a singular form to multiple forms. The video Merkabah: Voyage of a Star Seed shows through animations some of these higher geometric transitions and alignments.
The message of the Merkabah is the good news that welcomes humans through Grace and a higher activation of Consciousness to work with the Office of the Christ. At the same time, we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to assist all people who wish to be part of the Cosmic Family of the Living Eternal Father, the biblical God of Gods, the prophets call YHWH. We, as Adamic humans, are now on the edge of discovering who we are in the greater universe. What is important is to share our Love within this great universe.
Prepare yourself for the Merkabah journey that carries you into the higher worlds. Amid sacred sounds and colors you will experience traveling beyond the limitations of our physical form.
And so let us understand and affirm the Ma’aseh Merkabah (the works of deliverance) as the achievement of the chariot vehicle in our lives!