Overview: The Keys of Enoch®
A discourse on the nature and purpose of Life as explained in The Keys of Enoch®. This book has been written using various verses within The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®. to present an introduction to the teachings of the new consciousness, the Trinity powers, the use of the Language of Light, and the times that are upon us.
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Small Booklet – 5.5″ x 8.5″ – 10 Pages
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The Overview is also available as an audio cassette for $4.95 plus shipping
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The Thunder Perfect Mind
A COPTIC TEXT WITH COMMENTARY:By: Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak
Produced by The Academy For Future Science
A priceless Christian Coptic text (2nd- 4th century CE) which has a double title involving ‘Thunder’ and ‘Perfect Mind’. The text is very unusual in that it is a discourse of revelation by a female figure who is never specifically identified. Most scholars in the field of post-New Testament writings propose that the female speaker is to be understood as a combination of the higher and lower Sophia (wisdom) figure found in Gnostic Christian literature. The text points to the special role of the higher feminine understood in the early Christian Coptic Church and should be understood as both a psychological and ecumenical text unveiling all aspects of the feminine principle.
Quality paperback – 6″ x 9″ – 52 pages
$10.00 + $4.50 Shipping
The Lord's Prayer
by Dr. J.J. Hurtak
An in depth analysis of the Hebrew-Greek imagery of The Lord’s Prayer as it pertains to the Kingdom of God and the Coding of the Mystery of the Body of Man into the Light Body.
The Prayer is presented as a message of hope and of the re-establishment of the Authority of God over the Human Evolutionary process.
Small Booklet – 5.5″ x 8.5″ – 18 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ePub and mobi versions of this booklet available for $4.00
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Add to CartThe Five Bodies
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak
An overview of the five potential spiritual bodies that connect with each individual. Through the booklet we discover that the physical form is simply one manifestation of a multi-dimensional form. Here the reader is provided with an explanation of each of the Five-Bodies and how they work towards the building of our higher Christ Body of Light.
Small Booklet – 5.5″ x 8.5″ – 25 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD mobi version of this booklet available for $4.00
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Add to CartTitus and Philemon
by Dr.J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree HurtakIn these short letters of the Apostle Paul, we have the ultimate challenge to the initiate to change from living in individuality to living in fellowship. Here the message is focused upon community building and the experience required to be the family in the midst of world change. Altruism in Christ is the key to communication and the future.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 25 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
The Book of III Baurch
By Dr. J.J. HurtakAn ancient text that gives a kabbalistic description of the heavenly realms that surround us. This small book begins the inner journey of awakening to the vastness of the universe. As we begin to live with the understanding of the forgotten scriptures, our cosmology expands to a greater world view where we begin to comprehend the myriad forms of creation.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 72 Pages
$7.00 + Shipping
Beyond Darwinism
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
A recent look at anthropological evidence on the subject of creationism and an examination of deeper possibilities of human and super-human interactions. In this booklet by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, he describes how we can begin to understand what may have been the “missing link” in evolution. The booklet explains why we see the sophisticated building structures of the Great Pyramid at Giza and other wonders of the ancient world.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 47 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD ePub and mobi versions of this booklet available for $4.00
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The Reality of the Masters of Light
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
An introductory explanation of how the Hierarchy of universal intelligence is now externalizing signs in conjunction with biblical truths to orientate and connect special areas of consciousness experience.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 50 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
The Guiding Hand
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
An understanding of how the extraterresrial and ultraterrestial brothers can help us, and why they also allow us to help ourselves and humanity. This booklet provides an explanation of the unique relationship between extraterrestrial events and discrete levels of advanced intelligence. The author also explains many questions about paraphysical science and looks at what is in store for our future when we become aware that we are just one small part of the House of Many Mansions.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 52 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
The Great Transformation of Man
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
An understanding of how the transcendental operations of the Godhead are made into living realities within our life. An overview also of our planet’s past, its mysteries and special legends, explaining how we and the energies we are now discovering are all part of that unexplained continuum.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 43 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
The Evolutionary Process Of Man Study Series
This part of our educational service explores the past, present, and future of Man. Designed to serve as an idea bank for the new seeker of consciousness science as well as for the highly advanced explorer in the world of the paraphysical and social sciences, it provides an overview of the many areas of advancement and understanding that will be required for a complete picture of what is ahead. The following titles are now available:Negotiating With Other Worlds
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
Space Colonization and Diplomacy
If we consider the possibility that something more than microbial life may be found on another planet within our lifetime, we need to be socially prepared. Because of this, the implications for our world view in general, and space-based diplomacy in particular, have become pressing. A new discipline known as space law with “Space Treaties” is preparing us to deal with the options we Earthlings will have to face when we encounter representatives from cosmic cultures.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 39 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
Extraterrestrial Retrievals
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
Evidence of Aliens in Our Midst
Astrobiologists are making great strides in searching for life beyond Earth. What about the reality of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) that have been recovered on Earth? This is a brief review of various reports given to Dr. J.J. Hurtak by different sources discussing experiences of Close Encounter of the Third Kind that took place around the time of Roswell and into the 1970s. Case studies presented here involve names changed for the protection of the witnesses.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 50 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
Our Higher Heritage
By Dr. J.J. Hurtak
A New Perspective on Culture and Ancient History
For centuries, scientists, philosophers, academics and theologians have debated the authentic history of humankind. How did we get here? Who are we? Here Dr. Hurtak demythologizes history to explain a higher spiritual anthropology from the standpoint of a higher language code revealed in our ancient western Scriptures.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 45 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
The Ten Themes of the Bnai Or
A Message of the Brotherhoods of Lightby Dr. J.J. Hurtak
A special corpus of teaching on Key 118 from The Keys of Enoch® and the Holy Scriptures on the coming externalization of the angelic hierarchy of the living God. The Ten Themes focus on understanding the extraterrestrial and ultraterrestrial appearances and the coming of the Cosmic Christ within the larger context of the planetary changes.
Small Booklet -8.25″ x 5.5″- 34 Pages
$5.00 + Shipping
Songs of Light Song Book
Selected Christian, Hebrew and New Hymns and Songs designed for Fellowship. The Songs employ many of the Sacred Traditional hymns, as well as the use of the Language of Light. Piano accompaniment is provided with each song. Music is an excellent tool for energizing the body and feeling the energy of the Word of God, as well as sustaining and sanctifying the transformational aspects of life.
Approximately 100 Songs
$10.00 + Shipping
Celestial Lullabies For Mother & Baby
by Della HeideMusic plays and important role in the life of a child a song will linger on in their heart, soul and mind establishing a great foundation. When mothers sing lullabies to their infants, the bond is made feelings of love stay with the child throughout their life. Della has written 14 lullabies that mothers can play or sing to their their infants throughout their early years.
14 Lullabies – 30-minutes plus Song Book
$16.95 + Shipping
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