Dear Friend,
The first communication we have with the world is through sound; and the last communication the world has with us is through sound. The fetus is able to hear sound from around the fifth month in the womb.
Interestingly, the safe high frequency sound beyond the perceptual range of the human ear known as ultrasound, can be used to capture images of the fetus developing in its mother’s womb. Ultrasound can also be used to capture images of the degeneration of organs in a diseased body. It is sometimes even used on plant seeds to help start the germination process.[1] But most importantly, it is also being used to heal the body at cellular level and restore it to health[2].
Like ultrasound, acoustic signals have been demonstrated to have a profound regenerative effect on the human, animal and plant body, particularly at cellular level, and with noise pollution, even in destructive ways. In different locations, at different times, Devandra Vanol and Dr Rajiv Vaidya[3], and Vidya Chivukula and Shivaram Ramaswamy[4] demonstrated that plant growth was positively affected by harmonious, organised sounds, with less positive influence from random frequencies or noise.
The effect of acoustic vibrations was also demonstrated by Sean Wu and Utkan Demirci[5] when studying the heart. Their results demonstrate a “novel application of Faraday waves to create stem cell-derived 3D cardiac tissue that resembles the cellular architecture of a native heart tissue”, in other words heart stem cells. This means that they are able to renew the heart tissue through sound vibrations.
In working with both animals and humans, it was found that the human voice and particularly the harp can be potent in music therapy.[6] Therapist Diane Schneider said: “I use certain harp vibrations to resonate with, or entrain, a patient’s own cellular rhythms to help release tense muscle tissue, calm anxiety, improve digestion, induce restful sleep, increase endorphins for pain management — to aid the body’s own efforts to heal itself.”[7]
In Key 403: 311[8] we read:
…not just our minds, but also our bodies are sensitized to frequencies and sound wave vibrations that are ultimately harmonized with the Earth and higher planes of spiritual experience.
According to Dr. J.J. Hurtak, mantras, when used regularly, make one aware of the body as a bio-transducer or sound experiment that can partake of this harmony.
Dr. J.J. Hurtak has further said that the highest vibrations come through the Music of the Spheres, that include the higher vibration of healing and wisdom power.
We greet you in the name of Raphael Rophe – may our outer ear harmonize with our inner spiritual ear that can “hear” the higher Vibrations and align with the Higher evolution in the healing of all division and dis-ease.
With Love and Blessings,
[8] Hurtak, JJ. 2018 The Third Light Picture Superscript. Los Gatos: Academy For Future Science