Dear Friend,
We have been taught that UV radiation damages the DNA molecules of living organisms in various ways. In one common damage event, known as dimerization, adjacent bases bond with each other in the presence of UV radiation in an ‘ultrafast’ manner according to Schreier et al[1]. They, thus, form side by side instead of across the ‘ladder’. This makes a bulge (dimer), and the distorted DNA molecule does not function properly. Damaged DNA may lead to cell death, genetic mutation or malignancies.
There is thus no doubt about the ability of UV light to alter the DNA and cellular structure negatively, but what about constructively as discussed in Key 3-0-4?
A team of researchers lead by Dr Paolo Di Lazzaro[2] from the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Italy, after five years of experiments, claimed that the image on the Shroud of Turin, revered by millions as the burial cloth of Jesus, could not have been faked and was most likely imprinted on the linen cloth in a burst of electromagnetic radiation, particularly in the UV range.
The researchers demonstrated that lasers, emitting short bursts of UV radiation, are able to reproduce the Shroud’s distinctive coloration, even its exceptionally thin penetration of the cloth fibres when examined at a microscopic level, something none of the chemical attempts to reproduce the image have been able to do. To be clear, they are not claiming that the image was produced by a laser because, even today, we do not have a single laser powerful enough to produce an entire body image as seen on the Shroud, but rather, that the image was probably generated by intense bursts of UV light. Perhaps from Jesus as he changed into a Light garment.
Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak, in an interview on Coast to Coast Radio, underscored this possibility by citing the report and saying that UV radiation is generated as the cellular structure of the body is changed in the transition to the Light Body. The image produced on the Shroud is therefore, in all likelihood, a demonstration of the powerful UV light generated in the Resurrection.
Currently, in the area of gene-editing, recent work at MIT by Jain and his research team in which light, specifically UV light (with a wavelength of 365 nanometers), enables the researchers to assist in gene-editing. When the researchers expose the target cells to the ultraviolet range, a protector DNA they have established breaks into several smaller segments and falls off the RNA, allowing the RNA to bind to its target gene to “edit it”.[3] This comes on the heels of prior work and adds a layer of control to gene editing by making the system reactive to light. Scientists are thus studying positive ways to use UV light to affect genetic changes.
The Keys of Enoch® encourage us to see humankind harmonised with new grids of attunement. We know that the basis of the chemical elements of our lives will be recombined and changed through the changing of our DNA as we move into a Light body (Key 3-0-4). Working in conjunction with Higher Intelligence, our chemical functions and genetic makeup will be altered, a process which is currently perceived by science to be destructive, but which ultimately will facilitate great changes in the transformation of humanity.
The Tetragrammaton is the blueprint behind our DNA-RNA so our coding is never really lost. We greet you in the blessed name of YHWH.
With Love and Blessings,
[1] Science 2 February 2007: Vol. 315. no. 5812, pp. 625 – 629, DOI: 10.1126/science.1135428
[2] P. Di Lazzaro, D. Murra, A. Santoni, G. Fanti, E. Nichelatti, G. Baldacchini 2010: “Deep Ultraviolet radiation simulates the Turin Shroud image.” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 54, 040302-(6)
[3] Jain, P. K., Ramanan, V., Schepers, A. G., Dalvie, N. S., Panda, A., Fleming, H. E. and Bhatia, S. N. 2016: Development of Light-Activated CRISPR Using Guide RNAs with Photocleavable Protectors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., DOI:10.1002/anie.20160