Dear Friend,
The human condition is always to strive to live longer and find the fountain of youth. Scientists are often driven by this quest, like Chris Barnard, the surgeon from South Africa who was a friend and colleague of Desiree Hurtak’s father. Dr. Barnard, who performed the first heart transplant, spent his last years focusing on such work. Breakthroughs in medical science often may be a blessing for humanity, and often may not. How do we distinguish between the ‘may’ and the ‘may not’? According to Enoch, Future Science will work with and connect higher energy processes both within and beyond the human system. The Keys of Enoch®, (Key 3-1-7:42)[1] tells us, for instance, that from a skin cell taken from the surface of the arm, for example, the cells can replicate and self-organise into organs or even entire bodily systems, which can be regenerated, when we access higher energy fields and connect them to our bodies.
In July 2018, a Helsinki Press release referred back to the 2012 Nobel prize winner, Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka’s research that led to a process called reprogramming, in which cells from adult skin can be converted to cells typical of early embryos, so-called induced pluripotent stem cells, the cells that are able to divide and develop into the three primary groups of cells that make up a human body. However, this process only worked by introducing critical genes artificially into skin cells where they are not normally active. But the press release was to announce a further critical step taken by Professor Timo Otonkoski at the University of Helsinki and Professor Juha Kere at Karolinska Institutet and King’s College London, with their teams of researchers, who had succeeded in converting skin cells into pluripotent stem cells by activating the cell’s own genes.[2]
Recently, in August 2022, a further step has been taken in the work of embryonic stem cell biologists. Research by Shadi Tarazi et al, led by Jacob H. Hanna[3] and then in late August, 2022[4], by Gianluca Amadei et al, led by Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, and the University of Cambridge respectively, has created 8-day-old mouse embryos which grew their own organs.
This latest research created model embryos from mouse stem cells, as opposed to those from egg and sperm. These embryos developed a ‘brain’, a beating heart-like structure and the start of all other organs, typical of an embryo at that stage of development. They induced the expression of certain genes and thus manipulated stem cells to interact, creating viable “synthetic” mouse embryos. However, in none of the test work did the embryos survive beyond 8 days.
We perhaps should be questioning the intentionality and consciousness behind such research. Are we playing God? Is research like this ethical or science simply for science’s sake? Could this be opening a doorway to creating “designer” human embryos? Cloning does not create beings out of Love; its purpose is mainly to create “photocopies.” But where is the soul in all of this if it is still being housed in an existing, living being? Even if we were to take the potential of creating human embryos out of the equation, the question still remains about the reason for the research and whether it is ethically justifiable to be manipulating mice embryos in this way? If the mice have a developing brain, then it is logical that they should have some aspects of the nervous system and thus pain may be experienced now or in the future[5]. Nonetheless, there is great potential in using stem cells to create organs ‒ but perhaps scientists should be focusing on adult stem cell research rather than creating embryos, as stem cells used properly, generally, do not alter the DNA of an existing system. They are more efficacious, more easily accessible and the ethics may be less questionable about, as Nicoletta Lanese ponders, “how such technology might be applied to human cells in the future” [6].
Researchers indicate that this recent work is merely the first step. According to Enoch, we can grow new organs and tissues through axiatonal lines via stem cells[7]. Axiatonal lines are vibrational fields that connect human electrochemical activity with cosmic systems and tie together magnetic domains. They form a network of colour and sound to regenerate and even possibly bring back to life someone who has been pronounced dead. Without this connection, progress in such research is unlikely to be fully successful. Moreover, The Keys of Enoch® further tells us that problems of growth linked to the “biochemical clocks in the human body” (that control the process of aging and system death) will be helped through “experiments conducted outside the earth’s gravitational and electromagnetic field.” (Key 317:8).[8]
It is thus clear that in pursuing such work, even with its great potential for renewing organs and the entire body, scientists need to be guided by the Higher Lords of Light, so that we are not cut off from our origin and higher connection. Ever mindful of the Image and Similitude of the Divine into which we are created, we invoke the Name of YHWH Osenu, God our Creator, who transforms us and helps us to find the Divine Light within.
With Love and Blessings,
[1] Hurtak, J.J. 1976. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. Academy For Future Science
[5] We know that even fish experience pain through nociceptors. The Adam and Eve Scrolls (Hurtak, 1989), tell us that we were put here to husband animals, yet is this husbandry?
[7] Hurtak, J.J. 1976. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. Academy For Future Science. Key 3-1-7:45
[8] Hurtak, J.J. 1976. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. Academy For Future Science