Dear Friend,
Are there advanced alien civilizations sending spaceships to probe our earth and if so where do they come from? Could this be a scientific reality or is it just science fiction?
Tabetha Boyajian,[1] astrophysicist and Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Louisiana State University has been investigating a distant star KIC 8462852, and its anomalous light signals that indicate that the star’s light emissions are being blocked periodically by something enormous, almost a thousand times greater than Earth, that is orbiting KIC 8462852. Boyajian does not exclude the possibility that it could be an alien-built megastructure,[2] which many scientists call a Dyson Sphere. If a planetary-based alien civilization were technologically advanced enough to build such a megastructure, possibly to utilise the energy from its sun, it would be advanced enough to send out probes or ships into the Universe in search of other intelligent life, and some of the UFO events witnessed around the world may be examples of such probes from this or similar intelligences.
In a previous newsletter[3] Fast Radio Bursts were also discussed as possible connections to “signs of alien intelligent life”, wherein Loeb and Lingam proposed that the FRBs were emitted from extragalactic light sails.
During the recent flyby of Oumuamua, in late 2017, speculation was rife as to whether this too could be a structure of alien origin. Oumuamua, meaning “first scout from a distant place” in Hawaiian, is the first interstellar object to have been observed passing through our Solar System by Robert J. Weryk, a Canadian physicist and astronomer from the University of Hawaii.[4] Professor Stephen Hawking was among a team of experts investigating Oumuamua at Green Bank, West Virginia in 2017. Using high tech scanners, they attempted to detect weak non-natural electromagnetic signals[5] which would have indicated that this was an object built by an off-planetary intelligence and not simply a natural phenomenon. Professor Avi Loeb, of Harvard University, in February 2021, supported Hawking’s and his team’s understanding of this being of alien technology, in his bestseller Extraterrestrial: the first sign of intelligent life beyond Earth[6].
Professor Haim Eshed, former Head of Israel’s Defense Ministry Space Directorate, has claimed that the Galactic Federation has been waiting for humans to reach a stage where we will understand what space and spaceships are, before the Federation reveals themselves[7]. Eshed claims that certain governments are aware of this but have been requested not to announce it so as not to create panic.
Scientists studying possible extraterrestrial encounters in the wake of the world-wide disclosure of previously classified governmental reports and papers, have yet to come up with a solution to determine what phenomena are natural, scientifically built (with benevolent or nefarious intentions) or beyond the material. Discernment becomes critical as new information continues to be made known and more contact events take place, as The Keys of Enoch® has told us they will. With scientists becoming more willing to study these events seriously, they will no doubt find more answers, but how can we know who are here to help us and who are not?
Drs J.J. and Desiree Hurtak tell us in their commentary on the Pistis Sophia[8] in II: 82 “Working with a technology of another world means nothing if you do not have the higher spiritual capacity to know how your vibrations fit into that reality. You could just as well stay here. This is not to condemn the evolution of a higher technology, but it is not the qualifier.” Let us work to raise our consciousness to not only understand that “we are not alone in the universe,” but to begin to play a greater role as members of a greater cosmic society.
In Thy Name, O YHWH, we call upon El El Elyon to enable us to be vigilant, keeping open the dimensions to Thy greater creation as we use the sacred vibration of discernment and protection, Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth Ain Soph to align our vibrations with the Love and Compassion of the Most High.
With Love and Blessings,
P.S. For a greater understanding of our consciousness connection with other levels of intelligence see: Hurtak J.J. and D. Hurtak. 2021 “Extraterrestrial and Multidimensional Nonlocal Reality” in Steinfeld, Alan Making Contact. New York: St. Martins Essentials, Chapter 3.
[2] This scientific team was aided by citizens/amateur astronomers in this endeavor and Boyiajan emphasises the importance of their role.
[6] Loeb, A. 2021. Extraterrestrial: The first sign of intelligent life beyond Earth.
[7] Original interview in Hebrew. Also reference
[8] Hurtak, J.J. and D.E. 1999. Pistis Sophia, Text and Commentary. Los Gatos: Academy For Future Science.