The Electron and Our Higher Purpose
Dear Friend,
The subject of electrons runs through almost the entire Keys of Enoch® which tells us that a super-electron and the electron, were designed to unify our local universe. The Keys of Enoch®[1] states in Key 318:3: “…the electron, as man knows it, is only a sub-electron within a super-electron. This super-electron is the sole electron composing our immediate universe.”
Recent scientific research[2] published in Science in a paper by Megan Briggeman et al., entitled “Pascal conductance series in ballistic one-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 channels”, has shown that at the quantum level, electrons can be attracted to each other forming a new state of electronic matter, which means that the electron groups demonstrate unique properties. Briggeman and Levy’s group at the University of Pittsburgh department of Physics and Astronomy has shown that electrons can be attracted to one another in a certain conducting arena called a ballistic conductor, where resistance, which normally causes the scattering of electrons under movement, becomes linear like highway lanes. In this case (focused by LaAlO3/SrTiO3 channels), they now only run in a linear manner, but they naturally clump together and behave like a new state of electronic matter. Here heat is negligible and the electron flow is faster and ordered. What is most unique is that when 2, 3, 4, 5 … electrons come together in this way the “waveguide conductance follows a characteristic sequence within Pascal’s triangle: (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, …),” an interesting example of the mathematics and geometry that underpin the foundation and makeup of our universe.
MIT’s Max Tegmark has said that everything is mathematics, and, we know from The Keys®, that mathematics and geometry are the expressions of the unfoldment of higher dimensional energy connected with consciousness that exists throughout creation. The specific way in which the electrons join together has implications for research in areas such as entanglement, quantum computing and super conductors, but when we combine this with the research of qubits “which are quantum bits, which are often a single atom of an element with a carefully controlled electron” one can see how quantum physicists are beginning to control or manage electron flows. This may not only be applied to quantum computers, but could be used to create vortexes of energy and quantum teleportation.
The Keys of Enoch® talks of identical sub-electrons working together, codirecting a material manifestation of cosmic energy, like a miracle, and travelling from one consciousness layer to another. So, could it be that this clumping of electrons found by Briggeman et al,[3] is a movement toward the super-electron, just as we are making a movement toward the Adam Kadmon? The Sciences are not yet there, but the promise is that we will unite “the half-cycles of sub-electrons with the full cycle of the super-electron. When man can use Metatronic science he will be able to understand how each consciousness layer […can] free the mind from elemental space.”[4].
Just as we breathe the same air breathed by the first man, so do we have the same ATP model as was in Jesus’ body, which through electron transfer through the Divine Light projections, created his Body of Light as Jesus the Risen Christ. Thus, we too, can be delivered from entropy and quickened into bodies of regeneration and Light.
In Thy Name, oh YHWH, we call upon El Shaddai to protect our electron to enable us to take on the Higher Garment of Light, so that we can attain the status once again of the Adam Kadmon. Metatron, the angel closest to the throne, also known as El Shaddai, God Almighty, is the creator of the super-electron, which interconnects with all programs in our Son universe, ensuring that the consciousness levels of the Elohim are always interconnected.
With Love and Blessings,
[1] Hurtak, J.J. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, Key 318.
[2] DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6467 Briggeman, M “Pascal conductance series in ballistic one-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 channels” Science (2020). … 1126/science.aat6467
[4] Hurtak, J.J. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, Key 1-1-8:76