Is Time Real?
Dear Friend,
MIT philosopher Dr Bradford Skow, in Objective Becoming[1], explores the concept that time is not linear and does not pass as we seem to think it does. Dr. Skow refers to the block universe theory of time or eternalism, where the past, present and future exist simultaneously. He further explores this, using the moving spotlight theory* whereby “the light shines on just a single moment of time, and we picture instants of time as extensionless points”[2]
This theory is in contrast to Samuel Alexander’s growing block view[3], where the past and present exist but the future does not exist; as future events become present and real, they are added on to the growing block of reality. Alexander, in his second volume of his treatise, says, “God is the whole universe engaged in process towards the emergence of this new quality”.[4]
Both these viewpoints seem to have relevance, but are they both correct? In the Eternal world, at the level of the Ain Soph, it must by definition be a block universe, but in our physical dualistic world, from our viewpoint, it appears to be a growing block universe for we are in an evolutionary process. However, this does not mean that “all-time” does not exist. Unless we tap into higher dimensions, like the 8th dimension, or what Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher calls “eight space”, for the most part, we would not be aware of eternalism.
So why do we perceive time in a linear fashion? In The Keys of Enoch®, Key 3-1-2: 96-99[5] we are told of our consciousness advancement and regeneration as being coordinated on a quanta deck of light, allowing for each consciousness level not to “interfere with other biological programs sharing the same space”. This means that each creation can advance at their own pace through the 49 transitional states of consciousness. If we perceived all time at the same moment, we would not necessarily take up the cudgels to grow our souls. By living each moment one by one, we slowly educate our souls to be integrated with other consciousness time zones.
However, as elucidated in Key 1-1-8:29: “In this galaxy, the highest totality of life possible is to simultaneously occupy three body vehicles in as many as nine time cells.” These nine time cells are past past, past present, past future, present past, present present, present future, future past, future present, future future. So The Key is saying we can live and experience life in all of these time realities. We have that ability, as we can see the future via ‘precognition’, but for the most part we are living in the present present, or for some the present past.
So, in our world, here, time seems to proceed through our experience. By definition, if there is eternality In the Higher worlds, then time does not exist. We, however, have an option. We are being given the opportunity of a quantum leap if we can handle it. As we live in a space time that is an illusion, therefore, it is not the reality of All That Is. However, we do not have to plod along in a limited reality state of experience. If we choose to submit ourselves to the Divine, we can take a quantum leap and advance our consciousness, here and now, into all-space and all-time as those who live in the Higher worlds. What is most important is that free will and the ability to change the future also exists, but not in a limited reality state for which reason we need Consciousness Awareness!
Yet, there is no end: the everlasting Abba Nartoomid, the Eternal Light of the Father that stems from the Love that becomes the Light, that becomes the different frequencies, allows us to enter into new realities.
Through the beloved, Shema Israel, the radiant call to all peoples of Light, which unites this universe with all universes beyond this body of time, we bless you.
With Love and Blessings,
[1] Skow, B. 2015. Objective Becoming. Oxford University Press.
* He argues that this can include relativity by replacing supertime with Minkowski Superspacetime
[2] Skow, B. The Journal of Philosophy 106 (2009): 666-678.
[3] Alexander, S. 1920. Space, Time, and Deity. Macmillan & Co., reprinted 1966 by Dover Publications, reprinted 2004 by Kessinger Publications: “volume one” : ISBN 0-7661-8701-2 online version, “volume two” : ISBN 0-7661-8702-0
[4]Ibid Vol II p 428
[5] Ibid