Supersymmetry: Restoration of the Trinity Balance
Dear Friend,
Recent research has been observing matter and antimatter trying to work out why an asymmetry of matter exists in our world. If matter and antimatter particles are identical but opposite in sign to one another, they should by rights annihilate each other. However, after the so-called Big Bang, matter prevailed at the expense of antimatter – but why and how? Logically, the universe should have nullified itself at the beginning of creation. Ongoing research at CERN comparing matter and antimatter particles has confirmed that “these two values [are] the same, except for the difference in sign”[1]. So, we should not exist, but we do!
Some scientists are looking to the Higgs force field associated with the so-called ‘god particle’, the Higgs Boson, in association with the massless particles that do not interact with matter, called majorana neutrinos (which exist in a superposition having both plus and minus charges) to try to explain the fact that matter exists in greater proportion to antimatter, a difference (asymmetry) that allows for the existence of our matter universe. However, Enoch tells us that it is the superelectron that establishes the matter field, while a majorana ‘electron’ particle transforms light into matter with mass (Key 4-0-3). Furthermore, in Key 4-0-1:215 we read: In this universe of matter, thus, electrons are the control particle, too energetic to be permanently bound in atoms…
Key 4-0-1:80 further tells us that the original and higher coding, was a trinitized coding, still here, coded even into our duality, and each particle has a super-partner particle that scientists are now searching for in their research into the concept of supersymmetry. Verse 146 also explains that Supersymmetry exists as a mirror reflection, like a transparent scroll emanating the original codes of Light symmetry, on the front and backside, which eventually manifests in our 3-D to 4-D space-time as both symmetry and asymmetry. Yet the mechanism is also present to reverse the asymmetry and restore the trinity balance.
Nevertheless, we are here to evolve on all levels and are blessed with a consciousness that can experience and explore life’s synergy with an overriding Divine Presence (Key 4-0-2:225) which saves us from the chaos of entropy. Our objective is to attain a higher consciousness and work with the Hierarchy on a Supersymmetrical level which will, as we saw in Key 4-0-1:146, “reverse the asymmetry and restore the trinity balance”.
Oh, Metatron, creator of the Electron, let us understand your hidden geometries and understand that we, too, are trinitized beings of body, mind and spirit.
With Love and Blessings,
[1] [1]