Dear Friend,
Max Tegmark, MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech., Boston) Physics Professor, says consciousness is mathematical, dependent upon patterns in space-time, and their arrangement of the parts, which manifest as emergent phenomena 1. He considers mathematics as the “central control” of the universe. He even goes so far as to argue that humans are rearranged food that are alive and conscious as an animal, rather than a vegetable; and that ice, water and gas are merely different patterns of the arrangement of identical particles. So the emergent phenomena of, for instance, the ATP cycle, or DNA transfer process, established by nuclei and various chemical elements, is actually the powerful mathematics of life if we incorporate an epiphenomenal understanding.
The Keys of Enoch® 2 agrees, in part, as it says in Key 202: 55 “In summary, the mathematical grid recapitulates the creative language mathematics of all the living creations that went into the Creation of Man”, where ‘Man’ refers to Adamic Man, both male and female.
Clearly all around us is the evidence of a mathematical, living, architectural blueprint, completely behind the manifestation of our physical world. The concepts of π or φ, their evidence in nature, and the architecture and architectonics of pyramids and other edifices, are just some of these mathematical patterns.
Elizabeth Rauscher in her paper co-written with Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak entitled “Universal Scaling Laws in Quantum Theory and Cosmology3, has gone on to list all the mathematical laws of physics that make up our universe. However, Rauscher and the Hurtaks know that the laws of nature are only part of the powers behind creation. The Keys of Enoch®, more specifically, defines something else that is even more important to the understanding of who we are. The Keys say that consciousness exists prior to the mathematical blueprint of nature and can, in fact, override nature. That is where we get the expression: “mind over matter” because consciousness can override or re-define the “local” mathematics of the universe. This is also why The Academy does not encourage people to follow astrology, because it would mean that what you do in your life cannot override that what was set in motion by the mathematical pattern of local star systems you were born into. Of course, everything around you influences you, but what about the Higher Love and Higher Light? Are they, too, subject to local laws and mathematical programs?
When you work with the Light (capital “L”) you are working with higher systems of intelligence, the Elohim and the powers of the Divine Mind that set in motion the mathematics, which can override the mathematics when needed. It is, thus, our connection with these powers from higher realities that allows us to go beyond the lower limitations of mathematical restrictions. We have the ability to do much more as we have a connection to greater consciousness zones or fields of Light-Life reality! Unfortunately, most modern scientists follow a limited path as described in The Keys of Enoch® as:
“The rational minds still engaged with the blueprints of geometry in the physical ordering of the universe and in the biological structures of the psyche. Thinkers who have not the fruits of Wisdom. Thinkers who are lost in the “consciousness zones” between the intellect and sovereign soul, so that the ‘transition in awe of the many universes’ is never completely made between the sixth and seventh chakra levels of the mind, neutralising whatever opportunity there is for direct contact with Higher Intelligence.” [see Glossary of The Keys of Enoch®]
The Keys of Enoch® are saying to these thinkers to move into the knowledge that matter and the material world structure is one thing and consciousness is another. We must push the envelope of discovery beyond homo mathematicus to Homo Universalis!
May the Nous Christou (the Mind of Christ) be with you always.
Love and Blessings,
With Love and Blessings,
1 Tegmark, Max. 2014. Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality. Alfred A Knopf, New York.
2 Hurtak, J. J. 1977. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. The Academy for Future Science
3 Rauscher, Elizabeth A.; Hurtak, James J.; Hurtak, D.E. 2012 “Universal Scaling Laws in Quantum Theory and Cosmology” in The Physics of Reality: Space, Time, Matter, Cosmos – Proceedings of the 8th Symposium Honoring Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier. Edited by Amoroso Richard et al. Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2013. ISBN #9789814504782, pp. 376-387