Sunday Feb. 6th with the Drs. Hurtak and Alan Steinfeld
Follow this link to register for the 1pm lecture with the all day Sunday pass
Explore the possibility of experiencing an intelligent exchange with greater civilizations and our Cosmic Family. As we move beyond our physical senses, the experience of Making Contact comes with The Keys of Enoch® to bring forth a communication of the non-local mind. In working with the consciousness field, we gain knowledge of a universe teaming with life, and realize that the non-local mind is a calling card to connect with Extraterrestrial, ExtraCelestial and UltraTerrestrial Intelligences. The closing meditation will help activate our innate connection to the grand intelligence at the center of creation.
Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak, and Alan Steinfeld are futurists. Alan’s new book MAKING CONTACT contains the Hurtak’s chapter on higher dimensional consciousness. Dr. J.J. Hurtak is author of ‘The Keys of Enoch®’