Join Drs. J.J. Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak for an intensive one-day seminar on the Coming Changes from above and the importance of visioning a positive future based on the Christ Consciousness. From future science to new spiritual insights, we are moving into a golden opportunity to unravel some of the ancient mysteries, as well as the Cosmic Mysteries where we begin to grasp the greater picture of revelatory knowledge and the regenesis of Life ahead by being a “New Being” in God. We will also come together to share music and guided meditations.
Dr. J.J. Hurtak is author of the best-seller The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and together with Desiree they have written numerous other books, and created inspiring music and graphic videos. They are also well-known for their presentations on Netflix, GAIA.TV, Coast to Coast AM and their work throughout the world, which includes research in Egypt, Mexico and South America.
The seminar will be held at the Christmont Retreat Center
Black Mountain, NC.
A buffet dinner will be available for a reasonable fee, for those who wish to stay afterwards and continue our fellowship at the Creekside Dining Hall.
Save the date and plan to join us for this important AFFS Regional Lecture! Here are the specifics:
Time: Saturday, November 5th, 10:00AM- 8:00PM
Location: Christmont Retreat Center, 222 Fern Way, Black Mountain, NC (1.4 miles from I-40, off Hwy 9 South). Lecture will be held at Assembly Hall.
Cost: $40 admission will be collected at the door.
Use the Guest House East parking area. Lunch provided and snacks will be available throughout the day.
Dinner: A buffet dinner is available for a nominal charge, payable at the Christmont main guest registration area – a dinner ticket will be issued. Please email me direct for specific food needs.
Hotel Accommodations: For out-of-town guests, we have two options. 1) First come sleeping rooms at Christmont, based on a sliding scale of $75-$125/night. There is also RV parking at $30/night. Call 828-669-8977 to make reservations. 2) Hampton Inn, 306 Black Mountain Avenue, Black, Mountain, discounted rate of $149/Fri. & Sat. night, which includes breakfast, and $114 rate for other nights. Please make reservations no later than, October 28th, in order to receive the discounted rate. You may call direct at: 828-669-1000 and be sure to give this code: AFS. Or you may reserve online at:
RSVP: Please email Antara Brandner with your confirmation plans to attend the November 5th lecture, and whether you would like to stay for the buffet dinner afterwards.
Also if you have any questions about our study groups in the Asheville, NC and Charleston, SC area, or if Antara may be of assistance in any way, please outreach at the contact email above.