Easter 2019
Mirroring the Heavens
April 19-21, 2019
(optional Monday outing, April 22nd)
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, and Dr. Desiree Hurtak will be conducting a two and one-half day EASTER seminar conference on The Fourth Light Picture Super-script or Key 4-0-4. The message is how We Are To Reflect the Kingdom in our Lives — which speaks of a realm of Creation that is coded within each of us unfolding the power of supernature. This is information shown to Dr. Hurtak by Enoch and Metatron, further revealing the power of the Hierar-chies/Holarchies that are working with us and are behind all of Creation. The heavenly realms from the realms of Atziluth (Emanation) to our realms of Assiah (Action) are based on a blueprint of Divine Thought. The Kingdom introduces us to the Wayshowers behind the detailed workings of our universe and requires us to understand the teachings that goes with the words: “Thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in the Heavens!”
Come and share this Easter (2019) as we hear about the powers from on High. The ‘Heavens declare the Glory of the Divine’ with the coming of the Hosts. The Language of Light is also used to call up-on the Lords of Light and the powers of the Divine. As we learn to understand the power of the Most High within all living things, we discover that we are part of a higher evolutionary process, which also exists at the deepest levels of our human nature.
We are inviting you to join us this Easter, but we ask that this seminar be limited to those mainly who live in the USA, Canada, or Pacific region since space is limited and we have seminars scheduled for 2019 all over the globe. Also it is important to note our information is not about channeling or psychism.
This seminar will take place at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Phoenix-Scottsdale. Advanced registration is mandatory. For those who are flying in, it is most practical to fly into the Phoenix airport (PHX).
Our seminar begins on Friday evening, April 19th and continues during both the day and evening until late Sunday evening, April 21st. (See optional Monday outing below.) For all who are attending our event, we would appreciate it if you would sign the liability waiver that will be mailed to you after you register.
If you are interested in coming to the conference, remember, ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY. We need to receive notice of your coming by April 8th, 2019. Please bring a copy of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, and your Bible. If you are interested in participating please register to attend here
and make your hotel
We also have a monthly payment plan for those who have been participating with us full-time and may be experiencing economic hardships. If you have any further questions please call or email us:
Phone: 877-872-5397 — email: seminar@affs.org
Right of admission reserved.
Monday outing (optional):
ON MONDAY, April 22nd, we will have an outing at the Heard Museum for an Academy talk and muse-um visit. There will be a small charge for the Monday outing of $15 (all inclusive) if you have a car and $25 if you need a shuttle ride to/from the museum. You can pay the day of the outing, but we will ask you in an email if you are attending, so we can take a count for available seating.
If you need to leave for the airport from the Heard Museum on Monday, you can do so directly as we will be renting a room at the museum until 4:00PM, so take your luggage with you to the Museum and have your Uber, Lyft or taxi pick you up there. You can leave the Heard Museum for the airport at anytime from 10:00AM to 4:00PM on Monday, April 22nd or return with us to the hotel for an evening meditation and Q&A.