Whiteholes: the Means of New Creation
Dear Friend,
Scientists have spent many years researching blackholes, and more recently, whiteholes and their possible relationship. Researchers in Penn State and Louisiana State Universities, Abhay Ashtekar, Javier Olmedo and Parampreet Singh[1], and researchers at the Centre of Theoretical Physics in Marseilles, Carlo Rovelli and his team, Eugenio Bianchi, Marios Christodoulou, Fabio D’Ambrosio and Hal M Haggard[2], have recently published papers averring that blackholes and whiteholes are connected.
In a demonstration of the transitional relationship between the two that is now being considered, C Rovelli in 2018 states that:
At the center of the black hole, space and time do not end in a singularity, but continue across a short transition region where the Einstein equations are violated by quantum effects. From this region, space and time emerge with the structure of a white hole interior, a possibility suggested in the 1930s by physicist John Lighton Synge.[3]
This relationship was recognised in The Keys of Enoch® forty five years ago, in 1973, which stated that they are the ‘mirror images’ of each other.[4] The glossary definition states[5]:
A blackhole represents the first stage beyond the neutron star where intermolecular forces have collapsed and matter is squeezed to form a singularity. A whitehole represents a blackhole of anti-matter with orbiting masses of common matter spiralling upon the anti-matter in the blackhole.
In The Keys® we are shown that in a way similar to how our eyes work, light/matter is ‘filtered’ through blackholes to emerge as light, which refers also to the Eye of Horus which brings forth Light. The Keys of Enoch® Key 2-0-5: 74[6] states that:
The centre of the Eye is a ‘whitehole’ of the plus and minus rotations of force fields turned over by circumversion. Out of the ‘whitehole‘ comes the white ‘Yod’, the cosmic flame used to create new spectrums of light and alphabets of creation.
It is interesting to note that scientists too are considering the notion that our universe may have been ‘born’ out of a whitehole, which brings the theory of the “Big Bang” closer to The Keys of Enoch® which tells us in Key 109: 97: “…’our universe began on a spiral’ rather than in a steady state or Big Bang position.” The glossary of The Keys® further states:
Higher intelligence can use a whitehole power source as a switch to exceed thermonuclear fusion and for thought-form activation of matter. Miniwhiteholes and miniblackholes are channels of transitional transformation interpenetrating universes and transitions between them.
Scientists are further considering the existence of “mini” whiteholes and blackholes, and that whiteholes may be a major constituent of the universe much like blackholes are now being seen.
We are shown that the potential for ongoing creation and transformation is built into the very fabric of our universe and that we can transcend the limitations of our world into a New Heavens and a New Earth[7]. Only a magnificent Intelligence could plan such a cosmic creation that can recycle itself and upgrade its intelligence and consciousness.
Yehovah Yedor Yahweh, renewing and ever renewing, may thy sacred name be upon our lips, upon our foreheads, and upon our garments, to open us to this grand experience.
With Love and Blessings,
[1] https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.241301
[2] http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6382/aae550/meta
[3] Rovelli, C. 2018. “Viewpoint: Black Hole Evolution Traced Out with Loop Quantum Gravity. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v11/127
[4] Hurtak, J J. 1973. The Keys of Enoch. Los Gatos.
[5]Hurtak, J J. Ibid p 610
[6] Hurtak, J J. Ibid
[7] Isaiah 65:17