December 2020
We are deeply saddened by having to say goodbye to the physical body, wonderful knowledge and mind of our beloved Shirley, but we are comforted by knowing that in the continuation of the newsletters that she started so many years ago, and which made her a household name within the Academy, she is still with us. We thus continue them in honor of her dedicated service.
Matter and Light as Information
Dear Friend,
Could it be that all matter in our universe, even dark matter, is made up of captured information as some scientists now claim, and that this information is transported inter-dimensionally by light? The Keys of Enoch®, Key 402:276 tells us: “Scientists are now understanding how the very essence of
light can be “twisted light,” the properties which can be used to cipher information.[1] That is, scientists have now demonstrated in recent experiments that Light (photons) can be coded to carry information[2].
Understanding the encoding of information confirms the words of the Father of Cybernetics, Claude Elwood Shannon, who almost eighty years ago developed Information Theory, which refers to the concept that the essential building blocks of our universe are made up of information. John Archibald Wheeler, who worked with Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein, connecting quantum mechanics and information theory, claimed that “Everything is information”.[3] We know from Einstein’s theory that mass is interchangeable with energy and continuing research has led to a new principle of mass-energy-information, in which Melvin Vopson of Portsmouth University claims that there is no dark matter; it is all information.[4]
In the movie, Interstellar, the female scientist, Murph, discovers a plethora of information and the ability for non-time-bound communication within a tesseract, a cube in four dimensions, behind the bookshelf in her childhood room, giving us a graphic example of how information is passed by means of light from the fifth dimension into our 3D/4D world. The fifth dimension is posited scientifically to be the dimension in which the four fundamental forces (strong and weak nuclear, gravity and electromagnetism) are united. At the Large Hadron Collider at CERN where scientists work with particle collisions and study new particles created in these collisions, they continue to seek to discover the possible existence of a fifth dimension.
There has also been scientific debate about whether our universe, the structure of which resembles the synaptic structure of our brains[5], processes information carried by light in a similar way to our brains. Is dark matter also trapped “bits” of information as Vopson in a 2008 article claims?[6] While scientists still do not understand what makes up dark matter, is it possible that it is information from a higher Light Source, as yet scientifically unseen, carrying the codes for physical creation to be processed through our universe? Does this further mean that our universe processes and can transfer significant amounts of information as Interstellar suggests?
More importantly, The Keys of Enoch® indicates that we too can play a role in the accessing and even the changing of the information in the universe, or at least that which exists around us. That is, we too are connected with global information and maybe even can acquire universal access to this information through what we call Consciousness. As portrayed in Interstellar, information is all-pervasive. The Keys further tells us that our abilities to use this information from Light is much vaster than we have ever imagined.
Moreover, Key 405: 170 tells us:
Most importantly, we are part of a greater Family of Light processing high degrees of thought abilities that can work with complex groupings and multi-dimensional information, because we are still operating within an energy body that exists on various planes of being.[7]
Various planes of being are also various dimensions of being. So, information is everywhere and we are in fact beings that can retrieve that information. The type and amount of information we retrieve is really up to us, for as The Keys tells us, we are “biotransducers” to process, convey and redirect information.
In Thy Name, O YHWH, we call upon the Ain Soph Or as we see the Infinite Light source which has no beginning and no end, but radiates Wisdom as Divine Information throughout the Universe. We pray that with the Spirit and the Divine Consciousness, we, as Adamic humanity, will be encouraged to use this quantum information to bring peace and harmony to our planet and our lives, and maybe, even allow us to move matter back into Light.
With Love and Blessings,
Alys and Trish
[1] Hurtak, J.J. 2017. The Ten Light Picture Superscripts: The Keys of Enoch® and Metatron: The Second Light Picture Superscript. The Academy For Future Science
[7] Hurtak, J.J. 2020. The Ten Light Picture Superscripts: The Keys of Enoch® and Metatron: The Fifth Light Picture Superscript. The Academy For Future Science