“You are the Light of the world…” (Gospel of Matthew 5:14)
Dear Friend,
The words of Jesus quoted by Matthew in his Gospel affirms that we are “the Light of the world” and makes a keen distinction between the common light of planetary day-to-day reality and a special type of biophysical Light that emanates from a spiritual source or higher dimension that shines upon the physical world through higher awareness or Christ consciousness. Today, in the world of scientific investigations into the atomic and subatomic levels of material structure, leading European scientists have gone far beyond standard Zeiss microscopes to using a new technology that can take our human eye down to the nano-level of molecules and their light-emitting power.
The Nobel prize in Chemistry 2014 was awarded to Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner for having bypassed a presumed scientific limitation, which now allows for scientists using the fluorescence of molecules to monitor the interplay between individual molecules inside cells. The improved optical microscope has transmuted microscopy to nanoscopy¹. This technology highlights the light absorption of a single molecule measured by Moerner in 19892.
In the context of comparative analysis, this Nobel Prize award represents new levels in recognizing human bio-luminescence on a level of micro-interactions that are taking place. It can be argued there is a real connection between bio-fluorescence of light taking place within every cell (down to subatomic particles) on the bottom step of human-based molecular evolution (The Keys of Enoch® , Key 317) with a surrounding Higher Evolutionary design of life. Forty years ago The Keys explained the difference between evolutionary “light” and higher evolutionary “Light” (see glossary) called “Metatronic Light” and, super-luminal Light that comes from Masters of Light affecting all human levels of life. In short, The Keys teach that there is a precise light entanglement of different energy spectra going on within our body that each of us can use to expand life processes through positive spiritual thinking from the aura around our head down to micro nano-activity within every molecule in our body.
This research seems to help us confirm Key 315: 125 which shows how within our bodies we “are energy biotransducers” with the ability to receive “the Light of Metatron and Uriel [higher beings of Light] for a wide category of biological functions, including the energy transcriptions of Light. This is why Metatron emphasizes the basic molecules of the cell in the [ATP cycle or] tripartite energy transduction model…” for our future evolution.
Specifically, there is a direct interplay between the flow patterns of electro-chemical light in our body and a yet-to-be understood superluminal Light process. The use and understanding of this Light coming from the physical and neurophysical structures within our body can be “the Light” shared with the world through spiritual energy. Through our consciousness development and mental harvesting of the light we can learn to extend our human consciousness beyond local events into non-local fields by means of focused light signals to ‘those in need’ throughout the world.
However, The Keys of Enoch® distinguish between light and Light. The former is Einsteinian-Lorenzian or solar light. The latter is that which proceeds from the supernal Light in the Name of the Father. Enoch also speaks of this greater Light, which is able to baptize at conception, the cell and DNA structure of the spiritual being to create and maintain well-being (Key 1-1-5: 30)
This reality of a local pathway for the programming of our human body molecule-by-molecule from a non-local or cosmic source has been hit upon by Russian and German scientists according to a higher DNA-wave process.³
On an individual level, in choosing to attain this higher Light, when using the Divine Names that Metatron teaches in The Keys, we can connect the inner bioluminescence (Gematrian body) with the superluminal Light (Zohar body).4 Thus transforming our body cell by cell, molecule by molecule, into ‘the Light Body of the Christ presence’ or the true Overself body which is required to transit from this planet into higher frequency worlds. Accordingly, when we use and expand this Light within our body through spiritual-paraphysical energy, we begin to use combined Light in a wondrous way as a ‘Christed’ transducer of energy flowing through us from the Universe into the human experience of Life. Indeed, we are ‘the Light of the world’.
With Love and Blessings,
¹ http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2014/popular-chemistryprize2014.pdf
² “Optical Detection and Spectroscopy of Single Molecules in a Solid,” by W. E. Moerner and L. Kador, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2535 (1989).
³ Conversations between P. Gariev, F.A. Popp and J.J. Hurtak. Munich 2007 and Dornbirn, Austria, 2012.
4 Hurtak JJ and D.E. Hurtak, The Five Bodies. Los Gatos: Academy For Future Science, 1994.