Searching for Water on Ceres and Mars
By J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS. Sc.
At any minute (starting 6th of March 2015) Jet Propulsion Lab scientists could be receiving a startling confirmation on vast water reserves on the dwarf planet Ceres as a result of the remote sensing technology onboard NASA’s Dawn Probe After some 3.1 billion miles, the spacecraft will answer questions on the nature of Ceres, particularly on the interior of a space object that may be 25% water. Dawn is already in orbit and making its spiral down to the surface of Ceres where it will take an investigative look at this icy world that some scientists believe could house primitive forms of extraterrestrial life under its surface. Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and its neighbor, Vesta, the second largest object in the area, may also provide vital clues on the nature of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter that was formed out of debris encircling Jupiter from an earlier time of our Solar system. Some claim the asteroids are the result of a planet that was destroyed in the distant past. Now these two sisters have been classified like Pluto, as dwarf planets.
According to Carol Raymond, a planetary scientist at Cal Tech’s Jet Propulsion Lab, these are exciting details about two intact proto-planets that have existed “from the very dawn of the solar systems… they are [in fact] two fossils we can investigate to understand what was really going on at that time.” Ms. Raymond is in charge of JPL’s program for studying small solar system objects in Pasadena, California.
It will not be sending back pictures or data until late April (2015), when it reemerges from Ceres’s dark side. Then, the Dawn spacecraft is expected to measure the surface features of Ceres, especially the shapes and size of the numerous craters that pock mark its surface. Scientists believe that Ceres has something like 43 million cubic miles of water and most of it is probably frozen. According to several planetary scientists, Ceres is unlikely to have a liquid layer. Raymond also says, “One of the intriguing questions is whether that ice retains enough heat to be subject to convection.” The European Space Agency’s Herschel Space Observatory last year (2014) detected water upon Ceres by using a space-based infrared (IR) telescope.
These findings come at a time when other NASA’s current programs (2015 data from Keck and Infrared Observatories in Hawaii) on the study of Mars have confirmed a more massive oceanic system on Mars that had existed in its distant past. New data reveals a global covering of water once existed on Mars reaching a depth between l30 and 137 meters over the entire surface of the red planet for a period of a million years, enough water and time to start life. This matches the planetary data the authors (Drs. Hurtaks) covered in a conversation with NASA scientists back in August of 2001 at a conference where we were guest speakers.
The recent probes announcing the findings of massive water on the tiny Ceres and Mars in our Solar system bring us one step closer to an official announcements of finding exo-biological life forms in our own backyard. These findings come as no surprise to us, particularly to the thousands who were listening to us in our historic conversations on Televisa broadcasts worldwide on Mars with legendary journalist, Pedro Ferriz, and at several major auditoriums in Mexico City back in 1985. More recent updates have been made through journalist, Jaime Maussan in 2013 and 2014. Throughout the world, our lectures on “Life on Mars” for the last forty years have given factual clues and actual close-up pictures (Mariner-9) of massive water spillways and river systems that gave Mars its unusual network of canal-like features and oceanic water system that could have triggered Life millions of years ago. NASA can now start counting on its fingers the number of planets and dwarf plants that have potential for life in our Solar system.
Let us reflect on one saying of Metrodorus, a 4th century philosopher from Chios, Greece, regarding the abundance of life that we must adjust our eyesight to the heavens with these words: “To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that an entire field sown with millet, only one grain will grow.”
Watch for announcements on evidences of life beyond Earth coming in May 2015.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA
The Mysterious Rings of Saturn
copyright © 2014 James J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft is currently orbiting the ring system of Saturn. It has been on an extended mission since 2008 and amazingly continues to send back advanced data on Saturn, its moons and extensive ring system. The ring system has proved most amazing as it contains myriads of ringlets, moonlets composed of dust and icy rocks. It operates as an accretion disk with primordial matter, ice and micro debris. What is most interesting is that the rings are not as stable as they have appeared. Originally, the rings were observed by the Voyager mission when it passed by Saturn (1980-1981), but a comparison with the Cassini images has revealed great differences in almost all the rings, especially the F-ring, over the period of less than thirty years. Thus, in a relatively short period of time the vast changes in the rings have shown spectacular morphologies.1
The changes in the rings of Saturn have completely overturned the classical picture of a stable system. The current study of the massive ring system has produced evidence of gravitational resonance, but, more importantly and stunning, is the finding of the “F-ring” having a strangely, continuously changing pattern, from helical formations to propeller-like mini-spokes. Some scientists even believe that the rings are producing small moonlets from the collisions of fragments that exist in and around the rings, especially the F-ring which exists in the Roche limit, a point where the gravitational tug from the planet could tear a larger moon apart. Again, the rings are made of dusty ice, in the form of boulder-sized and smaller chunks that often collide with each other as they orbit Saturn. Saturn’s gravitational field constantly disrupts these ice chunks, causing, as well as preventing them from forming moons. Saturn, itself, has the most moons of any of the planets in our solar system, over 60 objects of this type, but they are mainly outside the more familiar inner ring system with just a few in the area of the A- and B-rings, more towards the F-ring, but the majority lying in the G- and E-rings and beyond. Another question is the age of the rings. They may be as old as 4.4 billion years, but if they are so old why are they changing so rapidly? Did they always do this or is there something new taking place?
The analysis of the changing rings has become one of the most important topics surrounding Saturn over the past 7 years. Not surprising, The Keys of Enoch® proposed that Saturn would be a sign of change, revealing how we, the human race, should take a closer look at our evolving Solar system. Specifically, Key 304:11- 12 tells us: “Our sun, by virtue of being a variable star, will be seen as having great limitations for future evolutions. This will be observable by visible exchange of the solar polarity fields and by the magnetic mapping of inner-solar magnetic lines rotating faster than the surface of the sun. These changes will also affect the rotation of Saturn. This will be seen as a periodic effect which will be noticed in the activity of Saturn’s rings. It will illustrate new changes that will take place throughout the entirety of the solar system.”2
This indicates that Saturn holds one of the clues to the next phase of our solar system’s evolutionary future. The first part of this quote was confirmed in the same words by Lika Guhathakurta of NASA headquarters in Washington DC that our sun is “a variable star.” 3 Thinking like that was unheard of before 2010 when observations of variations in the sun’s magnetic field were noted by NASA. Additionally, some research scientists (e.g., MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-297, 6 December 2001) have recently considered that Mars itself is going through climate change.4 So all planets may be experiencing some changes, it may just be more obvious within Saturn’s rings and possibly the polar regions of Mars.
It is fortunate that we have a 30-year comparison made by Voyager (1980-81) from colleagues at JPL and the team of Dr. Jim Warwick in Colorado. So why are the rings revolving and changing into strange patterns? Theories still abound. The answer to these deeper questions may lie in the nature of the outer planets and especially how the rings themselves seem to have rain affecting Saturn’s ionosphere.5 Saturn’s moon Rhea may also have rings around it, although this has not been confirmed. The rings of Saturn themselves although varying in width are incredibly thin, ranging from about 30 feet (10 meters) to several kilometers thick at most. The rings have slight pink, grey and brown colors due to the presence of dusty material mixed with the water ice.
A definite change in the appearance of the rings is at work. Whatever the result of the new research, keep looking upward for we are about to learn more valuable information about how Saturn’s rings, as well as how its planets and moons, are forming and evolving as a miniature solar system.
1. Cassini-Huygens, Dougherty, M.K.; Esposito, L.W.; Krimigis, S.M. (Ed.) (2009)
“Origin and Evolution of Saturn’s Ring System” Chapter 17 of the book Saturn After Cassini-Huygens pp. 537-575. papers/0912/0912.3017.pdf
2. Hurtak, JJ (1973)The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® Los Gatos: Academy For Future
3. Solar Dynamics Observatory: The ‘Variable Sun’ Mission science-news/science-at-nasa/ 2010/05feb_sdo/
4. Malin Space Science Systems “MOC Observes Changes in the South Polar Cap:
Evidence for Recent Climate Change on Mars”MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-297, 6 December 2001, images/moc/CO2_Science_rel/
5. Blame it on the Rain (from Saturn’s Rings) NASA, news.php?release=2013-130
For more pictures see: wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ albers-unexpected-surprises. pdf
Evidence for Cosmic Inflation
In 1979, Alan Guth (now at MIT), proposed the concept of cosmic inflation. He believed that the initial energy of the universe would cause a runaway expansion. Until recently it has been theoretical although mathematically proven that the universe is inflating.
A collaborative team after three years has corroborated that a twist in light or ripples in space-time are the first images of gravitational waves from the Big Bang. This would suggest that cosmic inflation is correct. Researchers also significantly agree that this confirms a profound relationship between quantum mechanics and general relativity which has implications for study at the Planck scale, previously thought to be impossible.
On 17th March 2014, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announced that the BICEP2 facility at the South Pole discovered this compelling evidence for quantized gravity and cosmic inflation. They used microwave telescopes, which enabled sensitive measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB),since the air is most like space, thin and dry, at the pole. Working with the light of the CMB, it was found to be polarized and thus scattered by atomic particles. Gravitational waves squeeze space and create distinctive patterns and thus when looking for this signature in the cosmic wave background, a twist in the light was found. This twist is considered to be a ripple in space-time and a sign that the expansion took place faster than the speed of light.
“This work offers new insights into some of our most basic questions: Why do we exist? How did the universe begin? These results are not only a smoking gun for inflation, they also tell us when inflation took place and how powerful the process was.” —Harvard theorist, Avi Loeb
Inflation is important because it solves two problems : 1) why is the universe fairly homogenous, that is almost in perfect thermal equilibrium and 2) why is it more flat than curved. Inflation tells that that this is because all the regions, in the earliest period of time, were together and associated with the cosmological constant, and the only significant inhomogeneities are the tiny quantum fluctuations in the inflaton (the particle behind inflation).
The fact that all particles had some relation to each other further supports the theories of non-locality of quantum physics. The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch® speaks of the cosmological constant as the connection between particles and a key source to the interconnectedness behind creation. It plays down the “big bang” as one chaotic explosion, favoring a more orderly unfoldment.
Guth does go on to describe how inflation is associated with the early gravitational pressures of the universe. He states: “Inflationary theory itself is a twist on the conventional Big Bang theory. The shortcoming that inflation is intended to overcome is the basic fact that, although the Big Bang theory is called the Big Bang it is in fact not really a theory of a bang at all; it never was. The conventional Big Bang theory, without inflation, was really only a theory of the aftermath of the Bang…. The basic idea behind inflation is that a repulsive form of gravity caused the universe to expand.
Now regarding the flatness of the universe, Guth further explains why the geometry of the universe is so close to Euclidean. According to Guth : “In the context of relativity, Euclidean geometry is not the norm; it’s an oddity. With general relativity, curved space is the generic case. …A large mass density would cause space to curve into a closed universe in the shape of a ball; if the mass density dominated, the universe would be a closed space with a finite volume and no edge. If a spaceship traveled in what it thought was a straight line for a long enough distance, it would end up back where it started from. In the alternative case, if the expansion dominated [i.e., inflation], the universe would be geometrically open. Geometrically open spaces have the opposite geometric properties from closed spaces. They’re infinite. In a closed space two lines which are parallel will start to converge; in an open space two lines which are parallel will start to diverge.”
This is exactly what we are seeing today and what is confirmed not only by inflation but also spoken of in the first verses of the first key of The Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch® that speaks of our being part of an “open-ended universe”. The second verse continues: “Being part of an open-ended universe, we are part of an open-ended mind; being part of an open-ended mind, we are part of an open-ended universal image.”
The Common Basis of Science, Medicine and Spirituality
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
As many pathways of knowledge are now coming together, we wish to affirm a common basis for science, medicine and spirituality -and that common basis is a higher consciousness connected with what we call the “embodiment of Light” or the Light Body. We are an open-ended system, not limited in our ability to work only with the biochemical body and the psychochemical body, but capable of expanding those pathways into what we call the eka body of many plus and minus relativities, both in and beyond this physical form.
Axiational lines and our many bodies
Let us first recognize that eastern philosophy and future science are meeting within the larger construct of the energy flow system of the body and the cosmic body that surrounds us. Ancient Chinese star maps demonstrate how the human body is connected with the planetary spheres and beyond. There are amazing lines of energy that run throughout space, and we must understand that these energy lines are encapsulated even within the basic leaf of a tree. Former Soviet scientists demonstrated in early work with Kirlian photography that even after removing material from a common leaf, a complete phantom leaf remains in terms of a light energy field, at least for an initial period of time. In other words, the physical reality is secondary to the matter-energy construct.
In 1973, I (Dr. J.J. Hurtak) had a higher consciousness experience and saw how this energy works for our renewal process of energy. I wrote in my book, The Keys of Enoch® that there is a renewal process that takes place on the cellular level which is controlled by what I call axiatonal lines, which I defined as follows:
Vibratory lines which connect levels of human electrochemical activity with astrobiological circuits that span the solar system and are connected with resonating star systems. The axiational lines connect the acupuncture mapping of the human biological system with superior astrobiological analogs. (see Key 317).
Axiatonal lines are existing energy fields in patterns working with acoustical vibrations running throughout the body and beyond. Through this, the body is maintained and also can be remade; through this, all proper functions of the body can be restored and accelerated; through this, the body can be rebuilt, cell by cell, molecule by molecule, thought-form by thought-form.
The axiatonal lines are part of a fifth circulatory field extending not only through your cells with its microtubules but beyond your body. You are a walking Tree of Knowledge, and as you go further up to the neurocircuitry, you realize that you are a biotransducer processing the thought-forms of energy from the universal mind, the universal consciousness, the universal “I AM.”
The human body is but one embodiment of several energy vehicles. In that sense, we are part of an electromagnetic energy system, as known by modern science, but one that is subordinate to the circulatory pathways of other fields and levels of evolution that reach throughout the stars and beyond. More importantly, there is a type of “garden” within the mind’s eye, which allows us to interconnect with the energy fields of the body to become conscious biotransducers, aware that we are continually tapping into the energies of the universe.
Here we recognize our multi-dimensionality: we are not only an electromagnetic body, but we are also an epi-kinetic body of sound vibration and a body of many plus and minus relativities, the eka body (See The Five Bodies, J.J. and D.E. Hurtak). We have, in essence, what the ancient Chinese called the “five Buddha bodies”. When we can actively work with them we can achieve higher levels of consciousness. We are, in effect, a vehicle of many vehicles, a system of many bodies working on many levels.
Sound and bioelectromagnetism
We also now know that sound is all around us. The black hole in Perseus* is recorded to be sounding A# at 57 octaves below “middle C”. This is not the only sound in space; scientists have recorded eerie sounds from the aurora borealis around our planet, revealing that everything is vibration. And although it is difficult to perfectly equate the frequency spectrum of cells and molecules to that of sound, many attempts by scientists and artists have taken us one step closer to understanding that we are a symphony of creation.
Light radiations of the cosmos such as those from Perseus also inaudibly interact with our human sensory system. I believe we can subconsciously connect with approximately 80 octaves of vibrations, even though most of them are inaudible. Each set of 80 octaves is a vibration of combined interpenetrating primary cosmic radiations of higher, middle and lower resonance, similar to the three gunas in Sanskrit. Material from the oriental heritage, as well as from modern investigations of the biohelix system of DNA, as shown by Dr. Deamer and Susan Alexander, are being validated.
We are seeing how our body is part of a sound symphony which can be augmented by various vibratory sounds reaching within the neocortex, redefining post-Einsteinian science. We are recognizing that this higher area of the neocortex, utilizing both left and right hemispheric functions, can activate supermental powers. More importantly, that sound can help us heal ourselves when we have the right pattern of frequencies. They are there, within the structure of the universe down to the sounds of the DNA, vibrating in your body.
We believe that even the ancient temples were created with a particular resonance to augment consciousness. We have done extensive research and sound testing throughout Egypt and the Yucatan, correlating the resonance patterns within the ancient massive stone structures. Using low frequencies as well as supersonics, our body and mind can tune into different realities. These frequencies are not only paraphysical and musical measurements, but ways to activate actual contact with levels of parallel evolution. We are truly being prepared for a realization that we are surrounded by a higher thinking evolutionary intelligence. We are basically tuning forks of energy, working within a planetary and ultimately a cosmic grid system.
How does the activation of sound work in our bodies? There are many points of resonance, from our DNA (as researched by Susan Alexander) to the pyramidal cells in our brain. The pyramidal cells also act as electrocrystal cells immersed in a neuronal layer of tissue that operates in the fashion of a liquid crystal oscillator in response to different energetic/light commands.
We found that biogravitational encoded switches are present in our brain which allow a type of crystal network to release ions that induce currents to the surrounding dendrites. So we have a biocomputer system in our brain that, when activated, takes us beyond the singular synaptic gap to experience intense energy waves. If we harness these properly we can materialize and dematerialize things around us. This is basically the definition of higher consciousness, which appears to be quantized. We are capable of materializing and dematerializing forms of structure, specifically atomic structure. We can also project energy images through all forms of matter into another mind through mental projection. And all this can function independent of time. Yet it is the higher consciousness which produces the biological changes in the molecules and the atoms and is capable also of changing proteins and minerals into other forms. It is able to work in linear and non-linear functions. The value of space and time is thus seen to be truly arbitrary.
There is an electric activity that takes place in some individuals that can be amplified with the right magnetic fields. When the eyes are open, there is certain magnetic activity and when they are closed there is another. Every time you open and close your eyes you are activating a magnetic signal which is a small demonstration of the simple changes that take place in the brain. It appears that when the left and right hemispheres are in balance, this energy field can be activated and a beam of light can literally be sent like a biological laser beam. Add that to the higher frequencies and vibrations and we understand what the ancients of our western heritage called the activation of the Gematria, the inner body of knowledge through sacred sounds.
Research that we and our colleagues performed showed that certain names and sounds activate, in some individuals, the supermental power to materialize and dematerialize matter. The Third Eye area can be activated by certain sounds. We also found that other life forms, both positive and negative, can resonate with these sounds and extend themselves into our domain.
When this is combined with an understanding of the axiatonal forces, localized or distance healing can be produced. Some healers in Mexico, Brazil and the Philippines have been able to work with certain sounds to activate various parts of the body. Using special cameras in Mexico and Brazil, Dr. Puharich and ourselves were able to observe actual radiations of light coming in and out of certain organs when the healers used specific musical forms.
We believe that this implies a higher Image and organized geometry behind our physical state of being. This would demonstrate how our body has been designed to have a higher resonance and Light vibration, that can tap into a higher consciousness blueprint. However, the very premise that we are a Divine blueprint in flesh is now being challenged by the endeavor of human cloning. Although adult stem cell research can lead to many positive results in medicine, cloning entities and manipulating their basic form is another matter entirely. Historically, the ancients warned about problems with the process of creating a complete entity through cloning. Egyptian documents, Chinese oracles, and reports amongst the indigenous peoples of Central and South America all give illustrations that our image is unique and not to be manipulated. When lesser forces tampered with genetic lineage, as described in Genesis Chapter 6, grotesque products resulted. A cloned being may have the semblance of beauty on the surface, but may unwittingly usher in a different level of specieshood. The axiatonal lines can become permanently severed from the original consciousness domain, if the pattern becomes extensively changed.
Yet there are benefits from genetic engineering that can be seen in adult stem cell research. Seen from the standpoint of modern “regenerative medicine” (which accords with electromedicine in The Keys of Enoch®), new studies in the United States are showing, in conjunction with stem cell research, how fingers and toes can be re-grown and how spinal systems that are broken can be fused anew. This regrowth takes place because there is a matrix behind the physical body connected with the axiatonal lines. So we are seeing a whole new area of medicine emerging with adult stem cells which confirms the higher matrix of life.
Which direction should we take now? The high road is to recognize that we have a greater image in the stars. Yet many prefer to go down with the non-biodegradable flotsam and jetsam of the science that continually limits itself to the importance of the matter body without seeing the energy body behind it. We are part of a Divine Matrix. In our own way, we are beginning to discover that we have a Higher Image.
The Holographic Universe
A new machine called “Hogan’s Holometer” presently being built at Fermilab will measure more precisely than any hitherto constructed the odd noise signals detected in previous searches for the gravitational waves (and their concomitant space-time ripples) that are theoretically emitted in the violent collisions between black holes and supernovas.The interesting thing about the noise emissions which precipitated the building of the Holometer is that according to Dr. Hogan, physicist directing its construction, the anomalous signals may indicate “microscopic convulsions of space-time”—i.e., at the quantum or micro-level. This possible quantum effect is not yet empirically proven, and remains theoretical until the new machine provides more data. However, because scientists were previously looking for a larger (macro) effect in the matter-energy continuum of a disturbance from a far-away cataclysmic stellar collapse, to have preliminary data point to its effect upon the sub-atomic particles must beg the question: how does the information (the ‘news’, as it were) of a distant stellar event show up in the subatomic particles if it is not ‘relayed’ through matter in space in a linear fashion? It could only do so if what happened at a distance (the disturbance) took place simultaneously within the tiny particles, meaning that the universe is holographic in nature.
This non-local simultaneity, which is essentially a field encompassing all that is, wherein the larger architecture of the universe(s) is replicated continually in all structures of every size, can also be referred to as “the macro within the micro”),and is in complete accord with theEnochian cosmology elucidated in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch®, as well as the extended body of teachings published and taught by The Academy for Future Science. However, the Enochian cosmology shows that this field is not merely an accidental by-product of the physical universe, but is, rather, a consciousness field that we have the innate ability to experience as well as to comprehend. The Keys tell us, essentially, that consciousness precedes matter, and for that reason Dr. Hurtak has said that “the mind is not localized within the body; rather, the body is localized within the mind”, that that mind is, in turn, localized within an even greater Mind not subject to time and space, and further, germane to the concept of a holographic universe where information can be issued to all points out of a zero point origin, “the membrane of mind is instant media for the cosmic circuit.”
Article Link:
Note: For a beautifully written, non-technical portrait of how the “macro within the micro” works within us, we recommend Madeleine L’Engle’s novel A Wind in the Door. Though classified as science-fiction for young adults, it is suitable for all ages as a fine introduction to the concept of the holographic universe.
The Universe Has Sound!
Perseus, the brightest cluster of galaxies in the X-ray region, located some 250 million miles away has at its center a black hole. The Chandra X-ray Observatory has discovered that surrounding the black hole is a ripple effect of waves of hot cluster gas. According to NASA, these ripples can create sound waves as they travel hundreds of thousands of light years away from the cluster’s central black hole.
In musical terms, the pitch of the sound generated by the Perseus black hole translates into the note of B flat or A sharp. But it is not something we can hear. Not only is it far away but the sound frequency it makes is a note 57 octaves lower than middle-C. This is a frequency that is over a million, billion times deeper than the limits of human hearing, and the deepest note ever detected from an object in the universe.
To see this sound, go to: universe/star
Counting Stars
There may be three times as many stars in the known universe as the number previously calculated, according to new research done at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Astronomers have until now used as a yardstick the number of brown dwarfs in our own Milky Way Galaxy to calculate the number of stars in all the other galaxies, but that yardstick may not be reliable.
Brown dwarfs are mass-heavy bodies too large to be a planet, yet too small to sustain the stable nuclear fusion of a real star; they are larger but in some ways comparable to Jupiter*—they simply have –never “ignited”, so to speak, and thus do not emit light like real stars. For this reason, they are difficult to spot, and their presence must be deduced by the effect of their gravitational “lensing”, or bending of the passing starlight coming from the stars behind them (in the same way that science is deducing the presence of Earth-like planets).
Astronomers have established with reasonable certainty that the ratio of brown dwarfs to real stars in our Milky Way Galaxy is roughly 100 invisible dwarfs to one actual star, and until now, it was believed that that ratio applied to all galaxies. However, the Milky Way is a spiral-shaped galaxy, and the new research has shown that in the eight elliptical galaxies there are many more brown dwarfs per full star, on the order of 1,000-2,000 to one; considering that the known universe is composed of one third elliptical galaxies, this newly discovered ratio, extrapolated outward, gives us the new presumptive estimate of “at least” three times as many stars universe-wide as previously thought.
This new template, if true, will also mean that the galaxies have a much greater mass, and that they developed earlier and faster than the standard Big Bang model can account for. If the standard model cannot account for the greater mass, what can explain it? We are told in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® by J.J. Hurtak, PhD., that “ “our universe began on a spiral” rather than in a steady state or “Big Bang” position.” (See Key 109).
As the mysteries of creation seem to deepen with every discovery, we move forward in the expectation that we will ultimately attain “mastery over mystery”, and that the sciences of the Earth will be brought into phase with the unimaginably vast and poetic beauty of creation.
*Note: Although Jupiter is indeed a huge planet with a great mass, it is not considered to be a brown dwarf. However, some astrophysicists have for decades believed that it possesses the potential for future “stardom”—that is, it is not a static body but a very energetic one, host to many dynamic processes, and is continually absorbing more mass from the incoming comets and other space debris which it attracts with its strong gravitational pull (as in the spectacular crash of Comet Levy-Shoemaker); it has been speculated by Arthur C. Clarke, among others, that Jupiter could actually at some point accumulate enough mass to see the initiation of a reactor state and become a real star.
Image: A Leonids Star Field
Link to article from the New York Times regarding new research: science/space/02star.html?hpw