January 2024 Anniversary Special
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The Jubilee 50th Anniversary Celebration 2023
Dr. J.J. and Dr. Desiree Hurtak cover the essential confirmations of The Keys of Enoch® on the 50th Anniversary of his experience! It was 50 years since Hurtak stepped into another dimension beyond conventional space-time! The Keys® have provided many with important insights for understanding our past, present and future, as well as our connection with the higher heavens. It details how our a planet is a place for soul growth.
Seeing Beyond the Veil – Anniversary Special 2020
This webtalk highlights the importance of developing our inner nature to be strong in the midst of planetary changes. The Keys of Enoch® forecasts the signs and seasons that are coming, as a prophetic warning so we are not in fear of changes, but prepared for them. This talk describes what is ahead for the planet, and how lending our positive energies can help us cope with these emerging realities as we come to grasp our role as cosmic beings living in the midst of many worlds of life in the House of Many Mansions.
January 2019 Anniversary Special Video Presentation
A discussion bringing forth a deeper understanding regarding ancient and future intelligence that are in our midst especially seen through the pyramids around the world and ancient sacred sites. Their mysteries are being revealed in the “now” as detailed in The Keys of Enoch® which directs us to a higher path of inner peace and higher awareness as we move into a space-time overlap with the Higher Intelligence.
In honor of the 45th Anniversary of The Keys of Enoch
A New Time of Transformation
January 2015 Anniversary Special Presentation in 2 parts
Part 1:
Drs. J.J. Hurtak, author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and Dr. Desiree Hurtak discuss some of the scientific confirmations of this inspirational book.
Part 2:
Hear a discussion on archeology and anthropology, along with an understanding of other realities and listen to questions & answers from the audience during this anniversary webtalk given by Dr. J.J. Hurtak and Dr. Desiree Hurtak in the honor of The Keys of Enoch®.