Those of us who journey back
beyond primeval roots –
Those of us who seek a dream
which some won’t comprehend –
Those of us who travel far
within the Spirit’s flow
know there is always more.
Take the beauty of the desert
with its glow of sunset gold,
Take the highest peak and
river’s rumbling depth.
Take the freshness of the earth
and the restless heart of woman and of man –
Then spill an ocean over them until all are lost
in a wondrous sea of love.
Bless the Ancient Mother of this crystal planet home.
Bless the Light Which calls within
our spirit and our soul.
Bless the thirst in each of us to truly find our way
And be blest within the Oneness of Divinity.
Be the Center of the Journey,
Be the soul of music’s sound.
Be the tide in perfect balance
and the secret in the mist.
Be the word which has no speaking
In the poetry of life.
Be the gift which makes your living
Such a total act of love.
Be Blessed. Be Centered. Be Love.
And be peaceful in the flow.
Barbara Mayer