Dear Friend,
Symmetry is an ideal state that comes from above and, in experimental realms, asymmetry is inherent in all possibilities. Scientists collaborating in the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment[1], have found the first traces of difference between matter and antimatter. They found decay of baryons (a particle which includes protons and neutrons and is also composed of three smaller particles known as quarks). “They found that when the lambda-b baryon decays, the particles produced by the decay speed away at different angles and momenta for matter and antimatter versions of the baryon”, according to Science News[2]. This means that instead of annihilating one another which is usual for matter and antimatter, more matter comes into being.
Key 4-0-1 describes the formation of our world from the perfection of Supersymmetry to symmetry and asymmetry and the subsequent decay of matter or entropy. Enoch tells us:
“Supersymmetry exists as a mirror reflection, like a transparent scroll emanating the original codes of Light symmetry, on the front and backside, which eventually manifests in our 3-D to 4-D space-time as both symmetry and asymmetry. Yet the mechanism is also present to reverse the asymmetry and restore the trinity balance.” (v 146)
Here is our challenge: If we are to take on a Light body, how do we return to the supersymmetric particles of Divine balance? This means moving on from a duality to a trinity. But perhaps we are almost a trinity. This principle of trinities is evident throughout creation. The most prevalent is the water molecule with one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms. We even find trinitized geometries in our blood which bathes every cell in the body. Even stem cells which lead to new growth have triangular shapes. We come out of a trinitized pattern and our objective is to return.
Consciousness growth is the link. We need to let go of bottom below consciousness and believe we are ‘walking star-light’. This involves a personal conscious effort to be the Light through devotion to YHWH, unconditional love, forgiveness, thoughtform discipline, study, prayer, meditation, sound visualization and seeing a unity and mirror in all things through the Godhead.
We bless you in the Name of Shillush Ain Soph.
With Love and Blessings,