Dear Friends of the Academy —
We are at a time of rapid innovation and accelerated progress, developing ideas of technological, ecological and also spiritual insights. We are also at a time of climate change and the melting of the polar ice which is going off the charts as Key 118 predicted. Our time is fast approaching for the advent of the coming of the Hierarchy and the manifestations of the Hosts of Light leading to the process of ascension! The human race is also now being prepared for work with the cosmic ‘others’ and with our (angelic) brothers and sisters who speak the Language of Light.
The astrophysicists are also speaking about the trillions and trillions of stars and the many planets that seem to be encircling them, some with watery biospheres like Earth (National Geographic “We are not alone” March, 2019). The Washington Post and New York Times have continued to announce bizarre appearances reported by the Navy of unknown space vehicles that have been seen by US military pilots off the West Coast of California in 2004 (released December, 2017) and the East Coast from 2014 to 2015 (released May, 2019) (Keys 309:25; 319:43).
We are becoming a new manifestation of planetary humanity as we begin to re-connect with cosmic intelligence which will be seen by many through clearly visible signs. Cosmic powers, more and more, will also interact with humanity, as we collectively build a comprehensive global movement of awareness that will accelerate in this decade. What will change? It will be a New Life, but it needs also to include the acceptance of the Divine. The energy that we are awakening to is not only informative, but instructive. It is not automatically manifested power; it is inherent power. This power is the Divine Power, which is Spirit, a Divine field of energy. It is not just a term. The key is: the Words [logoi] and the Energy Field [dunamis] of the Holy Spirit are now are calling us forth to become a new humanity — new beings in Christ and the Holy Spirit — so we are prepared for the greatest changes that the whole world will be going through since the recording of the written Word!
It comes from “on high,” namely, from the Godhead and is available for us to use. Those in need of a greater sustaining power for this life and in the life to come will once again turn to the Divine in the use of positive Thought-Forms which can overcome the negative powers of destruction. Key 403 reveals the Holy Name(s) that can provide us with real answers as we too have the potential to be endued with power from on high through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God is pneuma, Spirit; God is hagion, Holy. Therefore, we are given the pneuma hagion which is also explained in Luke 24:49, that we are to be “endued with power from on high,” namely, be in the “field of energy” that extends from the Holy Spirit.
The bottom line: use The Word (Logos) and the Names of God to do miracles! Through more heart and soul synergy, Neshamah, we will understand that everything is connected with everything on a higher level and how co-creative power can create peace locally, which can have a global effect in opening doors to positive contact with the higher worlds of the Most High, El Elyon.
In Love and Compassion,
Drs J.J. & Desiree Hurtak
Academy For Future Science