In this century, we have taken the mechanistic, mechanical model of the universe about as far as it can go. Certainly we have developed technologically, but have we really evolved in our thinking at all? And of what we have acquired, is it sustainable? Our powerful weapons bring to mind ancient historical texts with their descriptions of the Brahma weapon, and the prose of mythology with its free-flowing parlance containing thought-forms of illimitable mass destruction.
As we near the millennium, however, we are also taking part in the emergence of a different way of thinking, in which the Earth is beginning to be understood as a holistic organism rather than a mechanical body. This living organism has a sensitivity that allows it to support a wide diversity of life, and we are learning that the abundance we create from it needs to be reasonably shared. As we become aware of the sensitivity of our biosphere, we are simultaneously preparing to sensitize ourselves to other life forms, both visible and invisible, for we are entering an awareness that we are all interconnected, not by a sense of dissolution but by participation in the Infinite. Ultimately, we are to see ourselves as the new evolution, merged not only with planet Earth but with the Cosmos as a living supernature and the Logos of all Life. Those who believe that ascension is the destiny of the human race have an obligation to foster methods and programs which will encourage the acceleration of the transformation of humanity into a new cosmic consciousness.
The “liberated soul” ultimately obeys, without coercion, the laws of Knowledge with a great Love and with the Joy of understanding the indivisible Oneness. The “stations of the Cross” are there to remind us of the supreme truths in our lives as we journey towards that divine supernature. Whether we search for truth within esoteric Christianity, self-realized Kaballah or Eastern mysticism, if we continue to search, we will discover how to develop that pure soul which cannot be bound by the petty conventions and properties of the mundane human life. No longer can the soul follow narrow rules or perform actions to accommodate the dualities of the lower nature that can cause it to shift in its life track. Instead, the soul becomes aware of its Divine Essence and learns to work within new percepts of experience. This is the journey of the soul preparing itself for its own ascension, which ultimately must take place because of the absolute unity of creation. And although this Divine Experience constitutes the decisive step, it is not the soul’s final resting place in what Christ called the Father’s House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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