It is time to begin to understand our identity: we are not limited to the process of evolution on planet Earth. Our very code of life, our DNA, comes from the building blocks that exist throughout the universe. The unique nature of water has now been found on the moon and neighboring planets, suggesting a wider evolutionary picture. Are we not each unique? Of course we are, but we are also the same on many levels of existence. When we begin to understand and appreciate the “sameness” and not the “uniquenesses”, we begin to bridge the gap that has divided us for millennia. Therefore, in addition to the scientific aspects of who we are from the viewpoint of our DNA, we need to move ourselves into a new understanding of how to ensure a ‘Culture of Peace’ and wholeness in the real world. To achieve this we must examine the unification of who we are within and without in the larger blueprint of life.
We may be facing the ups and downs of an economic cycle, but the real problem is based not on the daily economic market averages that rollercoaster, but on our ability to see ourselves as a collective humanity beneath the skin. Many of today’s problems stem from the psychology of the “I” that has to be greater than the “we”. There are those who never think of the “we” unless they can personally identify only with those in their own team or family. This is simply not a large enough picture. In this journal, we examine the specifics of a ‘Peace Room Project’ from the perspective of educators and social scientists who are working with us on the front lines of social change. They understand that, for our civilization with its 6.8 billion-plus people to flourish, we must provide for a local as well as a far-reaching embrace of futurism and holism in many parts of the world. That means a change in most of the paradigms that exist; only then can we establish a true culture of peace.
Our work must address the urgent need for a Global Ethic that will preserve what remains of the resources of planet Earth. We also need a Bio Ethic in safeguarding the newly discovered potentials of the DNA code that should be neither divided and subdivided nor owned by patents of international companies and consortiums. The time to understand who we are and how we are interconnected through our DNA — what The Keys of Enoch® (Key 202) reveals as the “God Code” — helps us to understand our place in the civics and fellowship of the House of Many Mansions. We are only temporarily here, since we have a Divine potential that has never been completely limited to the confines of planet Earth.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D
Summer/Autumn 2010, Series 6 Volume 4
The Global DNA Connection
Gerald Vind
Tischrede: The Vision of the Peace Room as a New Place For Problem Solving
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.
DNA and the Divine Names: Original Research on Our Genetic ‘God Code’ According to The Keys of Enoch®
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D

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