A new map of human interconnectedness is beginning to emerge. We are discovering the inevitable truth that the human mind is expanding to greater orders of complexity and problemsolving. At the same time, using modern scientific methods like remote sensing from satellites and airplanes, we are becoming aware of the fragility of our small planet. Whether we look at its water, soil or air quality, we are starting to see how we are all interconnected and part of one larger living organism called “Life”.
Water is a type of regulatory system for the planet. We ourselves are made up of about 75% water. We also know from studies conducted by Dr. M. Emoto in Japan that water can receive our thoughts and react to our fears. In effect, it is a key information carrier consisting of crystalline structures and waves, much like our voice, or light, produces waves.
Those who think they are simply a collection of living cells do not understand their own potential nor the consciousness requirements of the planet. Even if we can build artificial environments in space, travel to the stars or create robots to act in a very humanlike fashionno matter how much we might change our reality, we are still here as caretakers. In refashioning ourselves we also become the “water keepers” of the living environment around us. We begin to feel and love the very microstructure and flow of Life.
We experience this daily in the hundreds of thousands of cellular reactions within our system, which all work in harmony with our complete system of life. Most cellular reactions have substantial lifefunctions, not by chance, but occurring for specific needs to maintain the living system as a whole. The consciousness which we share seems to have the potential to permeate the universe, or at least humanity and our local region. In fact, it seems that we share common fields of consciousness on different levels of complexity.
Can there be a more exciting time for us to see our significant role and the need to redefine a new image for humanitybuilt not upon individuals or a vast diversity of cultures, but on a homo noeticus that has the potential to change the world? Imagine a world where tolerance and appreciation of diverse traditions is the rule, where the spiritual practice of the inner nature is encouraged, and reverence for life is fostered.
With this we can all experience the Divine Father’s House of Many Mansions, even upon the microcosm of Planet Earth, the place where the Word (the Logos) of discovery was sent to make all things anew.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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