Dear friends of the Academy:
The unfolding of world events and the turn around from a long slide towards Chaos requires a spiritual, moral rearmament and Leap of Faith as we learn to become the Keys for a positive future. The quickening involves a move towards higher vibrations of GOD’s Spirit. Christ instructed all of us to seek to be in service to each other and to build up the spiritual Family of Light “on Earth as it is in the Heavens.” Let us all begin to gain strength by listening closely to the “still small voice” from within. Remember, GOD communicated with Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Old Testament. GOD also came to find Job in the Old Testament writer who lost everything due to fires and storms. Yet Job continued to speak and call out to the Living GOD and was heard as GOD revealed to him the “life behind life” (Job ch.38). Spiritual evaluation must guide us in these difficult times in each country that faces more and more deterioration of the environment and a rising temperature average of 2 degrees centigrade.
The countdown to contact (with the true B’nai Or Intelligence) in the Messianic Age is coming through the ‘quickening of learning’ which is now underway. We must be the avant-garde of change. Great changes will be happening between now and 2025, and it is important that we pray daily for Divine Intervention through Love and Gratitude and new learning.
Clearly, with the pressures of COVID, the world is full of distractions and diversions. Many are secular diversions created by those who do not grasp the hope of calling upon the “Divine Names” and acknowledging the Divine Image into which we were created. It is important to know that every awakened soul who seeks Divine Intervention for the human race is now being orientated for the Return of The Christ with the forces of Michael and Melchizedek from the Most High, El Elyon.
This past year our lectures have also emphasized the reality of multiple levels of Intelligent Life in the Cosmos and the need to use a “good selective understanding” in choosing to reach out to “ultra-terrestrial intelligence” that can share with us real science and show a common acceptance of cosmic law and ethics with those the Keys of Enoch call the “B’nai Or” –the Sons of Light. Our teavhings emphasize a greater spiritual cosmology for new minds beginning to grasp that a Divine Plan of spiritual and interplanetary consciousness is capable of providing for inter-dimensional fellowship.
The SPIRIT OF GOD is living and working in and through those who are re-connecting with the Kingdom. The HOLY SPIRIT AGE is dawning as the Earth groans and people seek answers to what is being seen in the sky. In June 2021 many had awaited a stronger UFO/UAP Disclosure Release that failed to fully manifest. Only a 9-page report was given to the public, but we are not disheartened as more and more is coming to the fore, with trails of information becoming known by leading experts and headlines such as “Scientists Say There May Be Humans All Over the Universe” (Prof. Morris, University of Cambridge).
Let us realize we are not alone in the universe; but let us also realize we are not alone here and now! Let us take, literally, Christ’s Message of “greater things than these ye shall do.” Let us profess the Living God and be regenerated through the Spirit. Let us prepare for higher contact because His actual Word (Key 406) is in the Language of Miracles as He revealed the real energy field of the HOLY SPIRIT that can be used as we are awakened to higher vibrations…in the 5th D in positive power as we activate the Language of Light to taste the Glory that is Present!
Remember, each day to Show a Smile and Sow Love in Compassion and with Clarity of Vision. It is now the time to bring forth the Gifts of Grace, Gratitude & Glory as we prepare to grasp the Fifth dimension. May every good and perfect thing from heaven continue to Bless you with Divine Love. Let us support, with every effort, the teaching at this time of change and the option to take the higher path.
So let us join together in saying: El Shaddai Hallelu-yah. (12x)
In the Love of The One who calls us into service, celebration and self-realization, may we be Blessed.
Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen.
Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak
Academy For Future Science