Dear friends of the Academy:
With the challenges of Covid-19 we must re-read Psalm 23 which requires those of faith to put on the ‘anointed corona’ rather than the corona of death and linger no longer in a culture of death or in the Valley of the Shadow. Let us put on the true Covenant of Light which is the Christed Light.
The Keys of Enoch® remains a book of foreknowledge which spoke of both the coming of a person named Kamala (Key 109:92) onto the world scene (Nov. 3, 2020) so that people can move beyond the Night of Delusion, as well as the scientific importance of ‘rotating blackholes,’ (Key 109:96) acknowledged through the work of this past year’s Nobel Prize winner, Roger Penrose (Oct. 20, 2020). These events that occurred in late October and early November 2020 highlight the mental pictures of “future science” as revealed in The Keys of Enoch®.
Consider now the next Key just released, Key 405 – “Thou shall be the Family,” that inspires us to see a larger picture of life and our family in the universe. The Family encourages us to put together a new map of evolutionary values since our own survival requires a greater teamwork with people working in harmony and sharing a unity of consciousness. We are part of a Higher Evolutionary dynamic within a Cosmic Family that, at times, is hidden from us, inhibiting our ability to communicate with our counterparts. As we come into our cosmic “awakening” to higher surrounding realities, which many are doing at this time, we begin to see ourselves as an integral part of the original faith of the Abrahamic covenant that affirms that humanity will inherit the stars.
There is much spiritual preparation needed for our world, with billions of people now wanting to experience a spiritual renaissance. Throughout history and even today in our changing world, an increasing number of persons on earth seem to be glimpsing into higher worlds and the afterlife in dreams, visions and through apparitions — bringing scientific insights, and the knowledge of divine intervention that is required for life to go on.
Be strong in your spiritual existence that comes out of your inner subtle Consciousness which is “nonlocal” and is capable of inter-dimensional fellowship. The Divine Word helps us to face the reality of shifting gears within ourselves and directs us to use a higher Consciousness to find the inner path for change.
We need to reinforce our potential ability to access and describe information sources that are blocked from ordinary perception. We need also to rapidly prepare to see the gathering of people of faith, with hope and not fear. Essentially, nothing is impossible in the power of the spiritual Ruach. We believe that one must comprehend a greater cosmology of consciousness to take the exciting journey of spirit, allowing our space and time to graduate.
This year, 2021, continues with the good news that new Dead Sea Scroll documents have been found, listing the twelve minor prophets of the Bible. Interestingly, although the original text was in Hebrew, what was found was written in the Greek language which came to be the dominant language of the New Testament. Clearly the transition period in late Intertestamental Judaism shows that the Dead Sea Community contained not only a wealth of texts, but was part of the bridge between Judaism and the beginnings of Christianity (Keys, p.613). A recent discussion between ourselves and Dr. John DeSalvo, author of a book on the Dead Sea Scrolls, is now available on-line by going to under Mysteries of the Universe, recorded in February 2021.
We want to also encourage you to keep up with our new books, music and video releases which share powerful insights from the past, present and future. The newest one is
entitled Making Contact (St. Martin’s Press, 2021) with editor Alan Steinfeld, which has a chapter from us, as well as other notables such as Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Strieber and many others.
Clearly, events are moving ahead with high level government “disclosure” (film and news) regarding contact with other intelligences in the Universe, including triangular shaped craft. From Canada to Chile and Argentina, Finland to South Africa, each country is acquiring greater information to understand realities of outer space, and also early life underneath the Arctic and Antarctic that echoes back to experiments, before cataclysms changed the landscape of the world. We are also all awaiting the reported promise that a serious update may come from the US Senate regarding information that was held back on the ET Hypothesis. Let us always remember that Extraterrestrials are not directly connected with the Return of Christ, nor are they, our saviors.
May you find the Peace of YHWH within you and in the living Yeshua, the Cosmic Christ, with the Victory of the Holy Spirit. May the Divine One of Eternal Peace who sent the Son of Man into this planetary life, be with us all — may we accomplish that which is good, lasting, and Loving which emanates from the Divine.
Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen.
Dr. J.J. and Dr. Desiree Hurtak